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48° Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Marina
                                                                   Roma, 7-9 giugno 2017

                        presented  a peak of  respondents  gathered  in  the  two  age  group  of  26-35  and  36-45
                        years  old,  with  a  mode  of  45  years  and  a  median  of  38  years.  The  education  level
                        observed  was  considered  high,  since  the  majority  of  respondents  (52.87%)  had  a
                        university degree, while education levels corresponding to a high/secondary school of
                        education were 35.6%. People who travelled with family were 59.7% of the sample,
                        while the rest 40.3% travelled with friends. The groups were in average composed by 4
                        elements, couples comprised 37.5% of the sample. Regarding the visitors that lodged
                        on Egadi, 65.8% stayed once while 34.2% were habitually resident; regarding the daily
                        customers  81.4%  were  occasionally  and  18.6%  came  habitually  on  the  islands.
                        Seascape  and  landscape  of  the  islands  are  central  for  the  tourists,  sure  enough
                        snorkelling  (20%)  and  natural  beauty  (17.8%)  were  the  main  cause  of  the  tourists’
                        decision to travel to the Egadi. The majority of respondents (86.3%) was aware of the
                        presence of a MPA and 58.3% of them were aware of the MPA’s regulation. About
                        local flagship species, the seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, 1813, the tourists’
                        answers was correct in the 62.4%, while in the 28.4% of replies it was considered a
                        seaweed, a marine animal (0.9%) or unknown (8.3%). Considering the establishment of
                        an MPA in the area, the tourists appeared to appreciate this body, because 61.3% of
                        people  consider  a  priority  the  establishment  of  an  MPA,  while  35.7%  valued  it  as
                        important.  In  this  sense  53.4%  of  the  visitors  would  be  willing  to  leave  an  annual
                        contribute bigger than 25 € to support the MPA activities.
                        Conclusions - The results revealed a great difference in the socio-demographic profiles
                        of the MPA visitors. Tourism development in the Egadi is based on the combination of
                        a good environment quality and the beauty of its natural sea and landscapes. In fact,
                        this  study  shows  that  especially  underwater  sceneries  were  the  tourists’  main
                        attractions and as such must be valued and preserved. In this case, the awareness and
                        evaluation on the MPA is rather high; so increasing the knowledge of visitors about
                        marine  protected  area  activities  and  regulation  is  critical  in  order  to  enforce
                        environmental awareness and promote a correct behaviour when tourists visiting the
                        area. This information will help to evaluate the natural capital of the MPA in a context
                        of environmental accounting, but also to understand which uses affect them and how,
                        so as to quantify the extent of sustainability of management processes in MPA.

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