Page 36 - DAnna_Badalamenti_alii_2013
P. 36

8) Non profit organizations that have some interest in the MPA
               •      Environmentalists
               •      Lega Navale
               •      Gulliver associazione sportiva culturale (scuola di vela)
               •      Associazione Aegusa onlus
               •      Associazione C.S.R.T (Marettimo

                   •  All governance analysis reports should include a statement on positionality, which can be
                      added as an appendix. The statement should describe what role the authors of the report play
                      within the case study itself, or any relevant involvement/position they have in relation to it,
                      how this might affect governance analysis in the case study and what measures were taken to
                      reduce any bias related to your position (see below for details).
                   •  Giovanni D’Anna – Contact person for the governance analysis in the Strait of Sicily, sub
                      case study “Sicily”. Planning and coordination of the activities for the governance analysis in
                      the  Egadi  MPA.  Running  of  semi-structured  interviews  to  the  Egadi  stakeholders  and
                      transcription  of  about  one  third  of  them.  Main  author  of  the  report.  Involved  in  the  Local
                      Fishery Management Plan (LFMP)  of Trapani for scientific aspects related to the monitoring
                      and evaluation of the plan. The involvement in the LFMP could have positively affected the
                      governance analysis due to deep knowledge of the legislative and management frameworks on
                      which the plan is based. Neutrality and objectivity were taken as measures to reduce any bias
                      during the conduction  of the governance analysis in the Egadi.
                   •  Fabio  Badalamenti  –  Fully  involved  in  the  governance  analysis  process  within  MESMA.
                      Contribution  to  the  preparation  of  the  semi-structured  interviews  for  the  “Sicily”  sub-case
                      study,  running  of  about  half  the  interviews  and  transcription  of  about  one  third  of  them.
                      Previous experience on similar approaches with Libyan MPA stakeholders. Co-tutor of a PhD
                      thesis (Himes AH) on the perception of Egadi’s stakeholders about the local MPA. Lecturer to
                      Lebanese,  Moroccan,  Syrian  and  Turkish  scientists  on  the  collection  of  information  from
                      stakeholders  to  assess  the    importance  of  cultural  and  socio-economic  aspects  linked  to
                      biodiversity conservation  (UN SAP-BIO project). These previous experiences allowed for a
                      neutral and objective approach during the interviews in the Egadi MPA governance analysis.
                   •  Carlo  Pipitone  -  Scientific  responsible  of  MESMA  activities  for  CNR-IAMC  and  contact
                      person for work package 4 “Management tools”. Involved in work package 6 “Governance” as
                      secondary author to review the governance analysis report. Transcription of about one third of
                      the semi-structured interviews. No bias issue identified.
                   •  Germana Garofalo – Contact person for work package 5 “Geomatics framework” with the
                      task of compiling the inventory of datasets available for the sub-case study “Sicily” and
                      creating the relative metadata used to populate GeoNetwork. Involved as a collaborator in
                      work package 3 “Case Studies” to create maps for the sub-case study “Sicily”. Involved as a
                      collaborator in work package 6 “Governance” to draw maps of marine space uses for the sub-
                      case study “Sicily”.
                   •  Tomás  Vega  Fernández  –  Leader  of  the  MESMA  case  study  “Strait  of  Sicily”  that
                      encompasses Sicily and Malta. Contact person for WP2 and WP3. Collaborator to WP1, WP5
                      and WP6. Within the WP6, provided framing concepts and information gathered during the
                      WP2  FW,  performed  document  analysis,  helped  with  some  interviews  in  Favignana  and
                      Trapani and reviewed the report. Bias was removed as far as possible by applying the FW
                      method and perspective

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