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PizziNi M. & Oliverio M., 1993. Ritrovamento di Callistochiton pachylasmae (Monterosato, 1878 ex Seguenza G. MS) in Mediter-
raneo (Polyplacophora, Ischnochitonidae). Notiz. CISMA, 14(1992): 41-42.
Poppe G. & Goto Y., 1991. European Seashells. Voi. I (Polyplacophora , Caudofoveata, Solenogastra, Gastropoda). Wiesbaden,
Christa Hemmen Verlag, 330 pp. 40 pis.
Sabelli B., 1971. Revisione del Chiton pachylasmae Monterosato. Bollettino di Zoologia, 38(4): 561.
Sabelli B., Giannuzzi-Savelli R. & Bedulli D., 1990-1992. Catalogo annotato dei molluschi marini del Mediterraneo. Libreria
Naturalistica Bolognese, Bologna, i-xiv+781 pp.
Sabelli B., 1974. Origine e distribuzione dei Polyplacophora viventi in Mediterraneo. Quaderni della Civica Stazione Idrobiologi-
ca Milano, 5: 71-78.
Tiberi N., 1878. Fam. Chitonidi. Specie viventi mediterranee e fossili terziarie italiane (con 2 appendici). Bullettino della Società
Malacologica Italiana, 3: 136-145; 146-147; 148-159.
Van Belle R.A., 1981. De Europese Polyplacophora (Deel 25). Callistochiton pachylasmae (Di Monterosato, 1879). Gloria Maris,
20(2): 151-153.
Van Belle R.A., 1984. De Polyplacophora van de Canarische Eilanden. Errata et Addenda. Gloria Maris, 23(6): 135-136.
Table 1 The known species of Callistochiton with their geographic range; four species are known only
by the type series (*), and twelve only by the holotype (**).
n° species range */**
1 C. (C.) adenensis (E.A.Smith, 1891) Aden
2 C. (C.) antiquus (Reeve, 1847) Australia
3 C. (C.) augustensis Ashby & Cotton, 1937 Australia
4 C. (C.) asthenes (Berry, 1919) California, Messico
5 C. (C. ) barnardi Leloup, 1981 Madagascar
6 C. (C.) belliatus Kaas & Van Belle, 1994 Papua New Guinea *
7 C. (C.) biakensis Kaas & Van Belle, 1994 New Guinea **
8 C. (C.) broomensis Ashby & Cotton, 1934 Australia **
9 C. (C.) carpenterianus Kaas, 1956 Indonesia **
10 C. (C.) elenchi Ashby & Cotton, 1934 Australia **
11 C. (C.) colimensis (A.G.Smith, 1961) Messico, Panama
12 C. (C.) erassicostatus Pilsbry, 1893 California, Messico
13 C. (C.) crosslandi Sykes, 1907 Kenya, S.Africa
14 C. (C.) decoratus Carpenter MS, Pilsbry, 1893 California, Messico
15 C. (C.) elenensis (Sowerby, 1832) Messico, Ecuador
16 C. (C.) expressus (Carpenter, 1865) Messico, Ecuador
17 C. (C.) generos (Iredale & Hull, 1925) Australia
18 C. (C.) granifer Hull, 1923 Australia
19 C. (C.) indicus Leloup, 1953 Chagos
20 C. (C.) jacobaeus (Gould, 1859) Giappone
21 C. (C.) laticostatus Kaas & Van Belle, 1994 Brazil **
22 C. (C.) leei Ferreira, 1979 Messico *
23 C. (C.) mawlei Iredale & May, 1916 Australia
24 C. (C.) occiduus Ashby & Cotton, 1934 Australia **
25 C. (C.) omanensis Kaas & Van Belle, 1994 Oman
26 C. (C.) palmulatus Carpenter MS, Dali, 1879 California, Messico
27 C. (C.) philippinarum Thiele, 1910 Filippine
28 C. (C.) porosus Nierstrasz, 1905 Brazil
29 C. (C.) portobelensis Ferreira, 1976 Panama, Florida
30 C. (C.) pulchellus (Gray, 1828) Chile, Galapagos
31 C. (C.) pulchrior Carpenter MS, Pilsbry, 1893 Nicaragua, Colombia
32 C. (C.) righii Kaas & Van Belle, 1994 Brazil **
33 C. (C.) rotondus Leloup, 1981 Madagascar **
34 C. (C.) shuttleworthianus Pilsbry, 1893 Florida, Caribbeans
35 C. (C.) squamigercostatus Kaas & Van Belle, 1994 Papua New Guinea
36 C. (Allerychiton ) pachylasmae (Monterosato, 1879) NE Atlantic
Bollettino Malacologico 32 - 148-