Page 10 - DiNatale_2012
P. 10

Figure 7. Etching of the bluefin tuna fishery in a small tuna trap in Naples, by Adrian Colaert, on a subject by Jan Van
            der Straet (more commonly known as Johannes Stradanus), for the second edition of “Venationes Ferarum, Avium,
            Piscium, pugnae bestiarorum et mutuae bestiarum”, published in Antwerp, Belgium, by Philipp Galle. The first edition
            (1578) had the same plates but without the progressive numbers, while the second was possibly published in 1584.

            Figure 8. Painted document (with some modifications) made in the XVI century, from the archives of the Duque de
            Medina Sidonia, showing the bluefin tuna fishery by beach seine (from López González & Ruiz, 2012).

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