Page 3 - Doneddu_etal2013
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Doneddu et al.
Morocco Pasteur-Humbert 1962 2 Sagone, France Payraudeau 1826 16
Naples, Italy Bellini 1929 16
Naples, Italy Ghisotti and Melone 1968 27 Saint Florent, France Payraudeau 1826 32
Naples, Italy Settepassi 1970 14
Napoli, Italy Scacchi 1836 6 Salerno, Italy Berardelli and Fasulo 1988 11
Nice, France Locard 1886 14
Oran, Algeria Pallary 1900 23 San Tropez, France Locard 1886 16
Oristano, Italy Silesu and Sosso 1987 47
Palermo, Italy Philippi 1836 66 Sant Pol de Mar Altimira 1977 18
Palermo, Italy Mannucci et al. 1983 25
Palermo, Italy Giannuzzi-Savelli et al. 1996 14 Sant Raphael Locard 1886 34
Palermo, Italy Settepassi 1970 57
Palo Laziale, Italy Settepassi 1970 1 Santa Manza, France Payraudeau 1826 59
Porto Cesareo, Italy Trono 2006 65
Porto Empedocle, Italy Settepassi 1970 45 Santa Teresa, Italy Doneddu, personal data 58
Porto Torres, Italy Settepassi 1970 23
Possilipo, Italy Albanesi 1970 35 Scandola, France Merella et al. 1994 46
Procida, Italy Soppelsa et al. 2007 60
Procida, Italy Ghisotti 1978 36 Scauri Latium, Italy Facente et al. 1983 47
Provance, France Settepassi 1970 23
Provance, France Risso 1826 37 Scilla, Italy Vazzana 2010 23
Provance, France Locard 1892 23
Provance, France Locard 1892 23 Sicily, Italy Maravigna 1839 41
Punta Chullera, Spain Luque 1986 23 Sicily, Italy Negra and Lipparini 2005 37
Roussillon, France Bucquoy et al. 1882 48 Sicily, Italy Costa 1829 16
Roussillon, France Locard 1886
23 Sicily. Italy Aradas and Benoit 1870
23 Siracusa, Italy Settepassi 1970
30 sourthern Sardinia, Italy Spano et al. 2002
55 Spain Hidalgo 1917
31 Stintino, Italyw Doneddu, personal data
23 Taranto, Italy Settepassi 1970
53 Tonnara, Italy Settepassi 1970
54 Torre Astura, Italy Settepassi 1970
54 Trapani, Italy Lugli and Palazzi 1987
4 Ustica, Italy Giannuzzi-Savelli et al. 1996
13 Valinco, France Payraudeau 1826
14 Čanj, Montenegro new data
DISCUSSION collection because of its habitat: it is a species which inhabits
Two empty shells of the Ranellidae species Cabestana rather deep water, 25-160 meters, but exceptionally can also
be found in shallow waters (Sabelli and Spada 1978); where
cutacea (Linnaeus, 1767) were found beached on the coast most of the known specimens have been found incidentally
of Montenegro, both at Čanj. In one of the two specimens, in fishing nets, or beached after storms. Saunders (1980) at-
traces of the periostracum were still present. The shells were tributes the decline of this species to climate change, but this
collected by students of the University of Novi Sad during explanation seems unconvincing.
a marine field trip course. The first specimen was collected
in May 2010. (N 42° 08’ 58.96’’ E 19° 00’ 08.72’’) and the Fishermen, while cleaning their nets, often throw such
second two years later, in May 2012. (N 42⁰ 09’ 38.43’’ E 18⁰ shells back into the sea, and these specimens can be later
59’ 41.17’’) (Fig. 2). They are deposited in the collection of found in localities far from where they actually lived. Both
the Department of Biology and Ecology, University of Novi specimens from Čanj were found beached, one mixed with
Sad (Serbia). gravel and the other in a rock crevice, with no traces of soft
parts; so we cannot exclude the possibility that they were in-
Čanj is a small area of exposed beaches about 1500 advertenly translocated by local fishing nets. However, along
meters long, mainly composed of gravel and coarse sand, the coast around Čanj there are no big ports frequented by
surrounded by rocky coast; the sea-bottom in front is sandy, fishing vessels, and few local fishermen use small fishing
with the presence of seagrasses Posidonia oceanica and Cy- boats in the surrounding area. For these reasons, the speci-
modocea nodosa. mens of C. cutacea here described can be considered autoch-
thones with sufficient probability.
Cabestana cutacea, whose size range from 32 to 105 mm
(Settepassi 1970), is the less common of the Mediterranean
Ranellidae (excluding Cabestana dolaria (Linnè 1767), which
is probably only an Atlantic species, whose few Mediterra-
nean reports are questionable), and seems to have become
more uncommon than in the past, but the reasons for its
decline are unclear. It is not likely threatened by excessive
78 Biologia Serbica 35