Page 2 - Eagles_Circaetus_gallicus_2016
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544    N. Agostini et al.

               the beginning (autumn) of migration to avoid the
               crossing of large bodies of water (Alerstam 2001;
               Agostini et al. 2002; Mellone et al. 2011, 2016;
               Panuccio et al. 2012). This research investigates the
               factors affecting an eventual reverse migration in
               some Afro-Palearctic raptors approaching a sea
               strait. The aim of this research is to verify whether
               inter-specific differences occur and which variables
               can induce raptors to move in the opposite direction
               of migration when still flying some kilometers far
               from the coastline. The hypothesis is that larger
               and heavy species should be more likely to perform
               reverse migration than smaller species. Moreover, it
               is expected that migrants change direction of migra-
               tion more often with adverse wind conditions (strong
               or head winds) or during the afternoon.

                                                                 Figure 2. Location of the four watch points in the southernmost
                                                                 portion of the Calabrian Apennines (white = 0–800 m; grey = 801–
               Study area and methods
                                                                 1600 m; dark grey: 1601–1956 m).
               To test these hypotheses we analyze here directions
               of raptors migrating along the southernmost portion
               of the Calabrian Apennines, in the “toe” of the   analysis, flocks (two or more individuals flying
               Italian peninsula, oriented along their direction of  together) and solitary birds were considered sam-
               migration (NE–SW; Agostini et al. 2015b). In this  pling units to avoid a bias of data (Hurlbert 1984).
               study area, there is a flat highland west of a mountain  All the observed directions of migration were cate-
               ridge, while west of the highland lies the Strait of  gorized as expected or reversed. As a result, this
               Messina which is the narrowest water surface (mini-  research focused on the short-toed snake eagle,
               mum distance about 3.5 km) between southern con-  which was the only species showing a substantial
               tinental Italy and eastern Sicily (Figure 1; see also  reverse migration (see Results section). Therefore,
               Agostini et al. 2015b). Data were collected from four  we verify which factors affected this behavior by
               observation posts from 23 August to 10 October    running a binary logistic regression analysis (here-
               2011, from 12 August to 10 October 2012 and       after BLRA) with binomial error distribution com-
               from 11 August to 10 October 2013. Three watch    paring recorded directions of birds flying toward a
               points were located on the mountain ridge or close  northerly  (reverse  migration)  or  a  southerly
               to it (minimum distance from the coast about 10, 15  (expected) direction, and using as predictors the
               and 18 km; altitude 1052, 1807 and 1762 m, respec-  following variables: time of day (morning: 09:00–
               tively), and one about 5 km from the Tyrrhenian   11:59; midday: 12:00–14:59; afternoon: 15:00–sun-
               coast, on the edge of the flat highland (altitude  set), flock size, location of the observation post
               987 m; Figure 2). During the fieldwork, the direc-  (coastal vs. inland zone), wind direction (head com-
               tions of disappearance were recorded. In the      ponent: S, SW; tail component: N, NE; lateral com-
                                                                 ponent: W, NW, E, SE), wind speed (km/h) and the
                                                                 interaction between the last two variables. At first we
                                                                 tested for autocorrelation of flock size and wind
                                                                 speed variables using Spearman’s correlation test.
                                                                 We selected variables using a stepwise procedure
                                                                 based on the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)
                                                                 values of the different models (Akaike 1973). We
                                                                 furthermore tested the significance of each variable
                                                                 in the selected model using analysis of covariance
                                                                 (ANCOVA). We tested the ability of the BLRA
                                                                 model to distinguish between the two different beha-
                                                                 viors by means of the area under the curve (AUC) of
                                                                 the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) using the
                                                                 pROC package in R software (Pearce & Ferrier
               Figure 1. Location of the study area (the black square) in southern
               continental Italy. M = Marettimo.                 2000; Boyce et al. 2002; Fawcett 2006; Robin et al.
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