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TABLE 5. Eigenvalues, cumulative explained variance (%),
cumulative species-environment relationship (%) and species-
environment correlations for the first four constrained ordination
axes of CCA.

                                           Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 3 Axis 4

      Land cover (raw values)

Eigenvalues                                0.421 0.382 0.260 0.195

Cumulative % variance                          8.6 16.4 21.7 25.7

Cumulative species-environment             25.9 49.3 65.3               77.3

Species-environment relationship 0.952 0.956 0.862 0.842

      Land cover (% values)

Eigenvalues                                0.378 0.304 0.256 0.159

Cumulative % variance                          7.7 13.9 19.1 22.4

Cumulative species-environment             28.1.4 50.7         69.7     81.5

Species-environment relationship 0.870 0.304 0.256 0.159

CANCOR with geographical variables

With all canonical roots together, that is, without any

root  removed,   the     overall     CANCOR          analysis  gave  F2        =

61.30, P = 0.000008 (canonical R2 = 0.87). For the                                  Fig. 3. The relationships between circum-Sicilian islands
                                                                                  based on tenebrionid beetles using the Kulczynski 2 index and
second  root,  F2        =  24.27,   P  =  0.02   (canonical   R2    =  0.67).    UPGMA clustering.

Finally, the third root was clearly not significant

(canonical   R2  =  0.18,   F2       =  3.73,  P  =  0.82).

Total percentage of variance extracted in the X set                               influenced by distance to North Africa and sea depth to
                                                                                  Africa, while the second one was influenced by distance
(53.6%) was mainly represented by the variance extracted                          to Sicily. The third dimension of NMDS was represented
                                                                                  by the non-significant root 3. Thus, current and past isola-
by the first and second roots, while redundancy high-                             tion from Africa appear to be mainly responsible for the
                                                                                  biogeographic relationships among islands represented by
lighted the importance of the first root (Table 6). Total                         the first axis of the NMDS. Current isolation from Sicily
                                                                                  is responsible for the biogeographic relationships among
redundancy for the Y set was 57.3%. Looking at the                                islands represented by the second axis of the NMDS (Fig.
factor structure (structure coefficients or canonical load-

ings), the first dimension extracted by NMDS was mainly

  TABLE 6. Results from CANCOR with all canonical roots                           CANCOR with environmental variables
analysed. Variables are the same as in Table 1.

                                                Factor Structure                  With all canonical roots together, CANCOR analysis
                                        Root 1 Root 2 Root 3
                                                                                  using  raw  data  of  land  cover  gave  F2        =  19.80,  P  =  0.53
Distributional patterns                                                                                                        (21)
(coordinates from Non-metric
Multidimensional Scaling)               –0.993       –0.044        –0.111
                                        –0.098       –0.811        0.577
  Dimension 1                           –0.066       0.584         0.809
                                        0.333        0.333         0.333
  Dimension 2                           0.288        0.224         0.061

  Dimension 3

  Variance extracted

Geographic characteristics              0.010        0.176         –0.202           Fig. 4. The relationships between circum-Sicilian islands
  A                                     0.501        –0.776        –1.953         based on tenebrionid beetles using the Kulczynski 2 index and
  Ds                                    –1.748       –0.695        1.888          Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling.
  Da                                    –0.531       0.302         0.062
  Di                                    –0.733       –0.570        2.996
  SDs                                   3.061        0.302         –4.565
  SDa                                   0.212        0.470         –0.985
  SDi                                   0.269        0.121         0.146
  Variance extracted                    0.233        0.081         0.027
  Redundancy                            0.865        0.671         0.183

   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12