Page 13 - Fishery_Regimes_2005
P. 13

EMPAFISH Booklet nº 2                         Fishery regimes in Atlanto-Mediterranean European MPAs

                           fishing on ecological interactions at ecosystem  level, the coastal
                           hydrodynamic processes and well designed studies of no-take MPAs that can
                           rigorously  demonstrate process as recruitment subsidy  and spillover to the
                           surrounding region (Sale et al. 2005).

                           Most  European MPAs  have been developed in an attempt to  unite and
                           harmonise  conservation and economic  interests, improving fisheries through
                           the sustainable  exploitation of natural  resources, and maximising additional
                           socio-economic benefits such as diving and tourism. This booklet summarises
                           the current status of  fisheries  in each of the case studies included in the
                           EMPAFISH study. Each site  has been characterised in terms of its
                           management regime and fisheries activity,  acceptable activities and target
                           and by-catch species.

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