Page 37 - Fishery_Regimes_2005
P. 37

EMPAFISH Booklet nº 2                         Fishery regimes in Atlanto-Mediterranean European MPAs

                                               Name MPA: Medes Islands

                                                 Location:  42º02'55''N 03º13'30''E (center of Meda
                                                             Gran Island)
                                                  Country:  Spain
                                           Coastal/Island:  Island (inshore)
                                                Total size:  511 ha
                                             Integral size:  93 ha
                                   Year of establishment:  1983
                                             Depth range:  20 – 60 m
                                    Protection objectives:  Conservation
                                             Type of MPA:  No take/ partial
                                                  Habitats:  Rocky reefs, Posidonia oceanica beds,
                               Socio-economic activities:  Tourism, diving

                           Activities Integral Reserve (IR)                Restricted Use Area (RU)
                           Forbidden  Fishing, angling, spear fishing       Spear fishing
                           Restricted  Scuba diving, swimming,             Fishing,
                                       boating, anchoring, scientific      scientific research
                           Allowed                                         Scuba diving, angling,
                                                                           swimming, boating,

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