Page 4 - Fishery_Regimes_2005
P. 4

This publication has been developed in the framework of the project
                  EMPAFISH  (SSP8-006539) supported by the Commission of the European
                  Communities within the Sixth Framework Programme. The views expressed in
                  this work do not necessarily reflect those of EC or anticipates the
                  Commission’s future policy in the area.

                  Work Package: 2
                  Deliverable: D4
                  Dissemination Level: Public

                  Published by:

                    European Marine Protected Areas as tools for Fisheries uropean Marine Protected Areas as tools for Fisheries
                    European Marine Protected Areas as tools for Fisheries uropean Marine Protected Areas as tools for Fisheries
                    E E
                    management and conservationanagement and conservation
                    m m
                    management and conservationanagement and conservation

                  Citation: Vandeperre F., Higgins R., Santos R.S. & Pérez-Ruzafa A. (Coord.)
                  2006. Fishery Regimes in Atlanto-Mediterranean European Marine Protected
                  Areas. EMPAFISH Project, Booklet nº 2. 97 pp.


                  Editorial Committee: José Antonio García-Charton, Stephen Mangi,
                  Concepción Marcos and Francesc Maynou

                  Cover photo and design: Ángel Pérez-Ruzafa & Concepción Marcos

                  Photos: Pablo Sánchez-Jerez (p.5, p.8, p.16, p.34), Vanessa Stelzenmüller
                  (p.27, p.30), Stefania Coppa (p.38), Giovanni D’Anna (p.47), Carlo Pipitone
                  (p.49), Jesús Falcón (p.51), José Carlos Hernández (p.55), Patrick Schembri
                  (p.79, p.81)

                  Available from:
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