Page 61 - Fishery_Regimes_2005
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EMPAFISH Booklet nº 2                         Fishery regimes in Atlanto-Mediterranean European MPAs

                                                      MPA: La Graciosa

                                                 Location:  29º 20’N 13º 25’W
                                                  Country:  Canary Islands, Spain
                                           Coastal/Island:  Island (inshore and offshore)
                                                Total size:  70,700 ha
                                             Integral size:  1,225 ha
                                  Year of establishment:  1995
                                             Depth range:  0 – 1000 m
                                   Protection objectives:  Fisheries enhancement, conservation
                                             Type of MPA:  Partial
                                                 Habitats:  Rocky reefs, caves, Mäerl, Cymodocea
                                                             nodosa beds, sandy substrates
                               Socio-economic activities:  Fishing, tourism, diving

                           Activities Integral Reserve (IR)         Buffer Zone  Restricted Use area
                           Forbidden  Fishing, scuba diving,        Spear           Spear fishing
                                       angling, anchoring,          fishing,
                                       spear fishing, swimming,  angling
                           Restricted  Scientific research          Fishing,        Fishing, scuba
                                                                    scientific      diving, anchoring,
                                                                    research        scientific research
                           Allowed                                  Boating         Swimming, boating

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