Page 97 - Fishery_Regimes_2005
P. 97

EMPAFISH Booklet nº 2                         Fishery regimes in Atlanto-Mediterranean European MPAs

                           List of species caught in the fisheries

                           Species                              Common Name (English)
                           Acanthocybium solandri               wahoo
                           Alosa alosa                          Alice shad
                           Aphia minuta                         transparent goby
                           Aristaeomorpha foliacea              deep-sea shrimp
                           Aristeus antennatus                  rose shrimp
                           Atherina hepsetus                    Mediterranean sand smelt
                           Atherina presbyter                   sand smelt
                           Atherina spp.                        genus of Atherinidae (silversides)
                           Auxis rochei                         bullet tuna
                           Auxis spp.                           genus of Scombridae (mackerels, tunas and
                           Balistes capriscus                   trigger fish
                           Belone belone                        garpike
                           Beryx decadactylus                   alfonsino
                           Beryx splendens                      splendid alfonsino
                           Beryx spp.                           genus of Berycidae (alfonsinos)
                           Bodianus scrofa                      barred hogfish
                           Boops boops                          bogue/boga
                           Brama brama                          Atlantic pomfret
                           Canthidermis sufflamen               ocean triggerfish
                           Caretta caretta                      loggerhead sea turtle
                           Citharus linguatula                  spotted flounder
                           Conger conger                        conger eel
                           Coris julis                          Mediterranean rainbow wrasse
                           Coryphaena hippurus                  common dolphinfish
                           Dentex dentex                        common dentex
                           Dentex spp.                          genus of Sparidae (porgies)
                           Dicentrarchus labrax                 European seabass
                           Diplodus cervinus                    zebra seabream
                           Diplodus cervinus cervinus           zebra seabream
                           Diplodus puntazzo                    sharpsnout seabream
                           Diplodus sargus                      white bream
                           Diplodus sargus cadenati             Moroccan white seabream
                           Diplodus vulgaris                    common two-banded seabream
                           Diplodus ssp.                        genus of Sparidae (sea breams)
                           Eledone cirrosa                      lesser octopus
                           Eledone moschata                     musky octopus
                           Enchelycore anatina                  fangtooth moray
                           Engraulis encrasicolus               European anchovy
                           Epigonus telescopus                  bulls-eye
                           Epinephelus costae                   striped grouper
                           Epinephelus marginatus               dusky grouper
                           Epinephelus spp.                     genus of Serranidae (sea basses: groupers and
                                                                fairy basslets)
                           Galeorhinus galeus                   tope shark
                           Gymnothorax maderensis               moray eel
                           Gymnothorax miliaris                 goldentail moray
                           Gymnothorax polygonius               polygon moray
                           Gymnothorax unicolor                 brown moray

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