Page 6 - Geraci_Schicchi_1991
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182 Geraci & Raimondo: Cytogeographical invesl igalion of Scilla QlIllImnali.L.
QU(lImnolis in the Mediterranean scnsu strictu, Ihis could be cxplained by absence of impor.
tant fac lors lO impose a definite geographical d ireclion on thc evalution ofpolyploids.
In the central-soulh European arca diploids became more and more rare unti! disap-
pearing as il i5 shown in Northern Italy. France and England whcrc thc nonhcrn di stri bu-
tion limit is found.
In conclusion, Sicily where both diploid and polyploid chromosomc mces occur logcln-
er, may be considercd as an arca w here thc cond itions for the ancestor's diploid cytotype
prescrval ion stili exisl and al tne same lime as a potentia l centre for fut ure sympalric evo.-
lulian in the Meditemmcan starti ng from the presenl polyploid complex .
Thi s study has bcen done within a rescarch projeçt fun dcd by MIUR (ContribUllon ex 60%) which
is gratcfully acknowledged.
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Addresses of Ihe au thors:
Don. Anna Geraci. l'rof. Rosario Schicchi, Dipan imento di Scienze Botaniche
dell'Univers ità degli Studi di Palermo, viII Archirafi 28 - 1-90123 Pa lcmlO.