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666                              MARIA GIULIA GIANGRASSO ET ALII

                 MATERIAL AND METHODS                            In this study only the beach-hopper group was
                                                              captured, though previous surveys collected both
                   The study was carried out on Favignana Island,  sand-hopper and beach-hopper categories in close
                 which is located approximately five kilometers off  geographic areas. Jelassi et al. (2015) recorded eight
                 the west coast of Sicily. Samples were collected  species of sand-hoppers and beach-hopper talitrids
                 during July - August 2015 from eight sites (37.93°  along Tunisian coastal lagoons. Prato et al. (1995)
                 N 12.27° E; 37.94° N 12.28° E; 37.93° N 12.32° E;  reported seven species, belonging to sand-hopper
                 37.93° N 12.34° E; 31.94° N 12.36° E; 37.91° N  and  beach-hopper  groups,  along  the  coast  of
                 12.33° E; 37.91° N 12.32° E; 37.91° N 12.32° E),  Taranto (Ionian Sea, southern Italy); while Lowry
                 located  in  the  northern  and  southern  side  of  & Fanini (2013) listed four species of sand-hopper
                 Favignana Island. These supralittoral sites, display-  and beach-hopper talitrids on the coast of Crete.
                 ing two types of habitat, i.e. banquette of Posidonia  The sampling method (pitfall traps) may have
                 oceanica (Linnaeus)  Delile,  1813  or  sand  and  selected species having mainly surface activity, i.e.
                 algal/seagrass wrack, were sampled by means pit-  beach-hopper, though Fanini & Lowry (2016) dem-
                 fall-traps: these consisted of plastic cups about 10  onstrated that recreational use of the beaches can
                 cm in diameter and 20 cm in height, positioned in  affect talitrid composition. In fact, sand-hoppers
                 the sand or in the banquettes. The traps were de-  (substrate modifiers) appeared to be more sensitive
                 ployed at nightfall, at approximately 7.30 pm, and  than  beach-hoppers  (non-substrate  modifiers)  to
                 emptied at dawn in order to intercept individuals  such kind of bioturbation (Fanini & Lowry, 2016).
                 moving across the supra-littoral zone.
                   Identification of the collected specimens was  BRIEF  GUIDE  FOR  BEACH-HOPPER
                 carried out according to the morphological charac-  IDENTIFICATION IN FAVIGNANA ISLANDS
                 teristics described by Ruffo ed. (1993), Iaciofano &
                 Lo  Brutto  (2016;  2017)  and  Lowry  &  Fanini  Here a dichotomous key to species identification
                                                              is presented.

                                                              1) A1 longer than peduncle of A2, U3 inner ramus
                                                                poorly defined ___________ Parhyale aquilina
                                                                A1  shorter  or  equal  to  peduncle  of  A2,  U3
                   On  the  whole  171  individuals  of  amphipods  uniramous_____________________________2
                 were collected: four of Talitridae, three belonging  2) A2 peduncle inflated___Platorchestia platensis
                 to the Orchestia Leach, 1814 genus, one species of  A2 peduncle not inflated ________________3
                 the Platorchestia Bousfield, 1982 genus, and one  3)  U1  peduncular  spine-like  seta  absent,  P5-P7
                 species  of  Hyalidae,  the  latter  belonging  to  the  dactylus  with  a  long  seta  on  anterior
                 Parhyale Stebbing, 1897 genus.                 margin_____________ Orchestia mediterranea
                   This first checklist led us to document the oc-  U1 peduncular spine-like seta present_______4
                 currence of Amphipoda on Favignana Island. The  4)  P5-P7  dactylus  with  a  long  seta  on  anterior
                 supralittoral assemblage appears to contain three  margin____________________ O. stephenseni
                 main biogeographical categories: Atlanto-Mediter-  P5-P7  dactylus  with  a  short  seta  on  anterior
                 ranean species, Parhyale aquilina (Costa, 1857)  margin______________________O. montagui
                 and Orchestia mediterranea Costa, 1853, species
                 endemic for the Mediterranean Sea, O. montagui
                 Audouin, 1826 and O. stephenseni Cecchini 1928,  REFERENCES
                 and cosmopolitan species, Platorchestia platensis
                 (Krøyer, 1845).                              Agardy M.T., 1994. Advances in marine conservation:
                   In the Mediterranean Sea, talitrid family divided  The role of marine protected areas. Trends Ecological
                                                                 Evolution, 9: 267–270.
                 into three ecological categories: driftwood-hoppers:  Bacci G., Pagoto E., Passaponti M., Vannocci P., Ugolini
                 e.g. Macarorchestia spp., sand-hopper: e.g. Talitrus  A. & Mengoni A., 2015. Composition of supralittoral
                 saltator (Montagu, 1808), beach-hopper: e.g. Or-  sediments bacterial communities in a Mediterranean
                 chestia s.l.) (Lowry & Fanini, 2013).           island. Annals of Microbiology, 10: 1–13.
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