Page 5 - Gippoliti_Amori_2004_11
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         taxonomic uniqueness ofMediterranean insular mammals as compared to
the continental European fauna, conspired to give them a high conservation
rele...,ance. Some of these are 'anthropochorous' taxa andare listed in national and
intemational conservation lists, such as the IUCN Red List, andare protected by
inteJnational treaty such as the Bern Convention (Tab. I). In Italy, for instance, fìve
ofsuch taxa are induded among the 22 most threatened mammals ofthe country
(Bulgarini et al., 1998). Being unlikely that such taxa could be defìned as ESU's
(Evolutionary Signifìcant Units) (Crandall et al., 2000; Fraser and Bernatchez,
200 1), they should be lower ranked in the conservation agenda. It has been suggested
to e::ìclude 'antropochorous' taxa in national and international red lists (Gippoliti
and Amori, 2002a), when considering the conservation staUts oftrue endemie taxa.
Eve11 at the nationallevel, strategies should aim at protecting species internationally
recognised as worthy of conservation priorities (Gippoliti and Amori, 2002b),
espedally in a biodiversity hotspot such as the Mediterranean Basin.

T ab. I 'Endemie' raxa of rbe Mediterranean islands and rbeir conservation status. Sysremaric sources: Amori et al.,

1999; Corbet, 1978, 1984; Garcia-Perea and Gisberr, 1997; Klysrufek and Vohralik, 2001; Sarà, 1998; Wilson and
Reedei, l993. Legislation starus ffom: Bulgarini et al., 1998; IUCN, 2002; Spagnesi and Zamborri, 2001.

                  - --

TAXO:N                            ISLAND                 JUCN       BERN                     ITALIAN
                                                         (2002)  CONVENTION                REDBOOK

INSECTNORA                        Djerba                         II as C. russu!tt cypria  vu
Atelerì:x algirus girbaensis      Balearic                              Il                 vu
Ateleri:x<t/gims vagrms           Malta
Ateleri:x ttlgims fo!IA:x         Cyprus                 vu
Hemiecbinus aurims dorothen       Sicily
Erùzaceus europaeus conso!ei      Crete
Erinaa!ltJ conco/or nesiotes      Rhodes, Lesbos, ere.
Erinace:tJ concolor rhodìus       Djerba
Pamechinus aethìopicus blanm!is   Sardinia
Szmcus etruscus pttcbyums         Ibiza
C.'rocidura russula ibicemis      Sardinia
Cmcidura russula idmusae 1        Corsica
Crocidum mal!em'em
Crocidura sicula                                  Malta
Crocidura sual!eolens canea
Crocidtmt swweolens balearica     Minorca
Crocidura suaveo!ms C)priae
Crocidura suaveo!ms ariadnc       Crete
Crocidttlil zimmernunn1i
                                  Sicily, Sardinia
LAGOMORPHA                        Crete
OIJ'Ctolagus cunicu!us bu:dey     Sardinia
Q,ycto!agus CllllÌcu!us cuossius  Stampalia
Lepus capensis mediternmeus       Cyprus
Lepus europrteus gbìgii           Crete
Lepus europaeus CJprìus
Lepus europilew creticus

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