Page 7 - HartmutNordsieck2013
P. 7
Diagnosis: Shell mostly not decollated; whorls ribstriated, with sutural papillae; dorsal keel indistinct or missing; inferior
lamella very high; two anterior upper palatal plicae present, upper one mostly separated from upper palatal plica; palatal
edge of clausilium plate distally receding, plate gutterlike narrowed, palatal edge against distal end bent up and more
or less pointed.
Distribution: From Cinisi in the west and Monte Gallo in the north to Piana degli Albanesi in the south and Monte
Catalfano in the east.
Synonyms: C. sericina Rossmässler 1836, C. septemplicata var. prasina A. Schmidt 1868. The name C. prasina is a
copyingmistake of C. proxima, caused by illegible labels of Benoit.
Geographic forms:
Parco form, Parco near Palermo: Inferior lamella in part lower; lower anterior upper palatal plica missing; palatal edge of
clausilium plate less or not bent up.
s. alcamoensis Brandt 1961, „Alcamo“: Cervix more strongly sculptured; dorsal keel more pronounced; inferior lamella in
part lower; lower anterior upper palatal plica more or less reduced; clausilium plate distally less narrowed, palatal edge
less upbent.
s. hemmeni (Beckmann 2004), Piano Margi near Cinisi: Same characters as the foregoing, slight differences in the
development of subcolumellar lamella and position of lunellar. S. s. hemmeni is therefore considered a synonym of S. s.
S. scarificata (L. Pfeiffer 1856)
Diagnosis: Shell mostly decollated; whorls ribbed, sutural papillae recognizable; dorsal keel indistinct ore missing;
inferior lamella high; anterior upper palatal plica present, separated from or connected with upper palatal plica; palatal
edge of clausilium plate distally receding, palatal edge distally somewhat or not bent up.
Distribution: Island of Marettimo.
Synonyms: The names C. scarificata and C. sacrificata are copyingmistakes of C. confinata, caused by illegible labels of
Species with intermediate position
S. leucophryna (L. Pfeiffer 1862)
Diagnosis: Shell decollated; whorls ribbed; dorsal keel mostly indistinct or missing; inferior lamella moderately high;
anterior upper palatal plica present, separated from or connected with upper palatal plica; palatal edge of clausilium
plate distally slightly or not receding, palatal edge distally somewhat or not bent up.
Distribution: Isola delle Femmine and Grotta Conza to Monte Gallo.
Synonyms: C. leucophryne var. laudabilis O. Boettger 1879, C. confinata var. merens Westerlund 1892.
Geographic forms:
Sferracavallo form, Sferracavallo: Inferior lamella lower; palatal edge of clausilium plate more strongy bent up.
S. nobiliscalcarae group, calcarae subgroup
S. calcarae (Philippi 1844)
Fig. 3