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not be given unless the Regional Council for Fishing (RCF, composed of fishermen, law
enforcers, academics, and scientists) discusses the issue and creates such a decree. In the
EIMR, the Favignana town council could act as the catalyst in convincing the RCF to
increase the number of hours local officers are required to spend patrolling the reserve.
In the GCFR, scientists based at IRMA in the Gulf of Castellammare could act as a
similar catalyst, as the director of IRMA and local fishers are advisors to the RCF. In
both cases, whatever the catalyst, the need for enforcement must be decided upon by the
RCF which then must issue a decree ordering more intense enforcement.

     Finally, a commonly agreed definition of “success” must be created by all con-
cerned stakeholders in conjunction with MPA managers, and additional performance
measurements must be designed and tested in each reserve to verify the overall success
of each reserve. These measurements of success should be determined in concert with
the local community, in order to take into account the factors that they find most impor-
tant and in order to address future areas of conflict. At the same time, local or external
scientists can develop ongoing monitoring and in-depth research into the individual defi-
nitions of success and relevant measures of success given by different stakeholder groups
associated with each reserve (Alder et al., 2002).


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