Page 13 - Invasive_Species_2013
P. 13

Invasive species and marine protected              Marine invasions in general have been under-studied and
            areas                                              most countries have little IAS information available and
                                                               limited or no formal programmes to collect information in
            Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Mediterranean have  MPAs (see Annexes 1 and 2). Furthermore, information is in
            not escaped this general trend and most of them have long  many cases generated by research projects with short-term
            been affected by introduced invasive alien species that  funding and sometimes restricted access. MPA
            threaten marine biodiversity (Fig. 3). However, very little is  management teams lack or have limited capacity and
            known about the origins and mechanisms of introduction of  expertise to identify most non-native marine species and
            the various species, or about their densities, distributions,  do not know how to combat a specific invasion when one
            temporal patterns or ecological significance for   occurs. Thus, alien species might be overlooked or pass
            Mediterranean biodiversity (Abdulla  et al., 2008). Many  unnoticed until they have become well established in the
            MPAs in the Mediterranean are located in proximity to major  local ecosystem, by which time eradication is difficult, costly
            ports, have aquaculture farms in them or nearby, or are  or impossible.
            frequently used by small recreational or fishing boats as well
            as tourists. A large number of introduced species in a given  The objective of this guide is to cover part of these needs
            MPA could be an indicator of high propagule pressure,  and aid Mediterranean MPAs in developing an effective IAS
            probably due to the development of human activities that  programme. To facilitate this, a draft Marine Invasive Alien
            facilitate certain pathways of introduction (such as  Species Strategy for the MedPAN Network was prepared a
            recreational navigation, aquaculture or the aquarium trade).  priori and discussed in several regional workshops with
                                                               MPA managers and experts (MedPAN Draft IAS Strategy,
            As a result, MPAs across the MedPAN Network face common  2012). The overall aim of the strategy is to establish a
            challenges, among them the lack of awareness and   common framework for MedPAN members to take action
            understanding of the impacts of invasive species, the scarcity  on marine invasive species. The present guide takes
            of information on best management practices and a lack of  forward some of the described actions, addressing the key
            baseline information, guidelines and trained local staff to  goals and main recommendations of the strategy, with a
            identify and gather more information on the introduction,  view to the prevention and early detection of new IAS
            spread and impact of alien species. Furthermore, most MPA  entering the MPA environment. Furthermore, it contains
            personnel feel that the problem is too large and nothing can  information on the introduction pathways and impacts of
            be done with the limited funds available, if any, to develop  major marine species that have invaded the Mediterranean
            actions. At a regional level, the problem species differ from  Sea, on how to monitor and identify them and on what can
            one MPA to another and there is still weak networking,  be done to prevent their establishment and spread in MPAs.
            coordination and collaboration on this issue.

                  Fig. 3. Invasive species in Mediterranean MPAs. Data collected from published and unpublished sources.

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