Page 70 - Invasive_Species_2013
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Mediterranean invasive species factsheet


                                                                Reproduction  Common name: Pacific oyster

                                                                                 Radial folds   No teeth

               Scientific Name:
               Crassostrea gigas

               Key identifying features
                                                                  Brief history
               The Pacific oyster shell is extremely rough and
               irregular and usually elongated, although its shape
               can be variable. Adults can be larger than 40 cm but
               the usual size is 10–15 cm. The two valves are
               unequal in size and shape, with large, irregular,
               rounded radial folds. The upper flat valve is smaller
               than the lower cup-shaped valve. It is typically whitish
               grey with veins of purple and greenish brown. The
               shell interior is pure white with a smooth, shiny  summer. Fertilization is external and the larval cycle
               surface.                                          ranges from 3 to 4 weeks. Oyster spat that has settled
                                                                 on hard substrate becomes reproductive after a year.

               Field identification signs and habitat
               This species occurs on rocky and muddy bottoms
               from the intertidal zone down to a depth of about 15
               m in shallow, sheltered bays. It can be found in
               estuaries and coastal sites as it tolerates a wide
               range of water temperatures (4–35 °C) and salinities
               (10–40 psu).

               Pacific oysters can be hermaphrodites or change sex
               during their lives. Spawning depends on water
               temperature and generally occurs at around 18 °C in
                                                                 Crassostrea gigas. Photo: L. Schroeder -

               Crassostrea gigas. Photo: B. Weitzmann            Crassostrea gigas. Photo: A.M. Arias

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