Page 18 - Liberto_Reitano_et_allii_2016
P. 18

382                                  FABIO LIBERTO ET ALII

                                                              These characters are typical of S. calcarae calcarae
                                                              and exclude any reference to S. calcarae orlandoi
                                                              n. ssp. Benoit (1875, 1882) specifies as distribution
                                                              localities for C. adelina: “Favignana e Bonagia
                                                              presso Calatafimi”.
                                                                 Pini  (1884)  described  Clausilia (Siciliaria)
                                                              brugnonea for Palermo. Also Pini’s description and
                                                              illustrations of C. brugnonea allow to refer this
                                                              name to the typical S. calcarae calcarae for the
                                                              presence of a developed upper palatal plica (Pini,
                                                              1884: Pl. 2, fig. 16a) and low sinuous columellar
                                                              lamella (Pini, 1884: Pl. 2 fig. 16b).
                                                                 Monterosato  (1892)  described  Clausilia (Si-
                                                              ciliaria) adelina var. subsolida for the Aegadian is-
                 Figure 56. Geographic distribution of Siciliaria (S.) calcarae  lands by these few words “più solida e più forte-
                 s.l. in W-Sicily (in red) with type locality of S. (S.) calcarae  mente  striata”  [more  solid  and  more  strongly
                 orlandoi n. ssp. (star), type locality of S. (S.) calcarae calca-  striated]. This description and the examen of topo-
                 rae (square), and type locality of S. (S.) calcarae belliemi.
                                                              typic specimens (Figs. 38, 48–50, 55) allowed us to
                                                              consider the taxon subsolida clearly distinguished
                   Siciliaria calcarae belliemi Brandt, 1961 (Figs.  from  S. calcarae orlandoi n. ssp.
                 36, 42–44), from Monte Belliemi, near Partinico, is  Westerlund (1892) described Clausilia (Sicilia-
                 characterized for ribbed whorls (rib-striated in S.  ria)  calcarae  var.  nodosa from  Palermo,  with
                 calcarae calcarae and S. calcarae orlandoi n. ssp.);  these words: “Testa non decollata, tenue regular-
                 the anterior upper palatal plica is longer and raised  iter costulato-striata, plica palatalis infera per-
                 same as in S. calcarae calcarae. Nordsieck (2002)  brevis, peristoma expansum, incrassatum, margine
                 considers S. calcarae belliemi a “transitional form  externo sub sinulum nodoso, plica palatalis su-
                 between neighboring species which may have ori-  pera secunda tenuis, brevis. Hab. Sicilien, bei Pa-
                 ginated by hybridation (c. calcarae/tiberii)” (see  lermo (A. de Monterosato comm.)”. Monterosato
                 also Beckman, 2004).                         (1892)  specifies  that  the  type  series  of  nodosa
                                                              came from Bagheria (East of Palermo). The dia-
                   REMARKS. Siciliaria calcarae s.l. is the more  gnostic characters of S. nodosa Westerlund, 1892
                 widespread species of the genus Siciliaria s. str. It  are the presence of a small secon upper palatal
                 lives from Bagheria in the East to Favignana Island  plica and a small callus on the upper outer edge of
                 and Levanzo Island in the West, up to Castelvetrano  the peristome. A similar species is S. (S.) ferrox
                 in the South.                                Brandt, 1961 which is widespread along the coast
                   It is reported in Quaternary deposits of Palermo  from Termini Imerese in the East to Altavilla Mi-
                 (De Gregorio, 1927 sub Clausilia adelina, Palermo,  licia in the West, very close to Bagheria (Reitano
                 Pietrazzi) and in in Quaternary deposit Wied tal-  et al., 2007). In fact, S. ferrox has the shell similar
                 Bahrija in the Island of Malta (Giusti et al., 1995  to S. calcarae s.l. but with a second upper pal-
                 sub Siciliaria cfr. septemplicata).          atal plica, therefore as in S. nodosa. Nevertheless,
                   Siciliaria calcarae calcarae is morphologically  S.  calcarae  calcarae occasionally  have  a  little
                 little  variable,  nevertheless  some  taxa  were  de-  second upper palatal plica; anyway this is absent
                 scribed in the past for this mollusk, and nowadays  in S. calcarae orlandoi n. sp.; nowdays C. (S.)
                 they are considered synonyms.                nodosa Westerlund, 1892 is considered a synonym
                   Küster (1847–1862) described Clausilia adelina  of  a  nominotypical  subspecies  of  S.  calcarae
                 on specimens received by the Sicilian naturalist  (Bank, 2011; Nordsieck, 2013).
                 Luigi Benoit, with type locality “Inseln Sicilien”.  Finally, De Gregorio (1894) described Clausilia
                 The accurate Küster’s description and illustration  proxima levanzensis from Levanzo Island (Aega-
                 (Küster, 1847: Pl. 34, figs. 4–6) show that S. adelina  dian Island, Western Sicily) but, however, for this
                 is  a  S.  calcarae with  a  well  developed  anterior  little island, only S. calcarae is known (Fiorentino
                 upper palatal plica and a low columellar lamella.  et al., 2004).
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