Page 1 - Liberto_et_al_2015_Siciliaria_scarificata_Clausiliidae_Marettimo_Sicily
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Biodiversity Journal, 2015, 6 (1): 483–492                                          MONOGRAPH

The endemic door snail of Marettimo (Egadi Islands, Sicily,
Italy): Siciliaria (Siciliaria) scarificata (L. Pfeiffer, 1856) (Pulmo-
nata Clausiliidae)

Fabio Liberto1, Maria Stella Colomba2,Agatino Reitano3, Salvatore Giglio4 & Ignazio Sparacio5

1Strada Provinciale Celafù-Gibilmanna, 93 - 90015 Cefalù, Palermo, Italy; email:
2Università di Urbino, DiSB, via Maggetti 22 (loc. Sasso), 61029 Urbino, Italy; e-mail:
3ViaGravina, 77 - 95030 Tremestieri Etneo, Catania, Italy; e-mail:
4Contrada Settefrati - 90015 Cefalù, Palermo, Italy; e-mail:
5via E. Notarbartolo, 54 int. 13 - 90145 Palermo, Italy; e-mail:

ABSTRACT   The door snail Siciliaria (Siciliaria) scarificata (L. Pfeiffer, 1856) (Pulmonata Clausiliidae)
           is redescribed. The species is endemic to Marettimo (Egadi Islands, Sicily, Italy) and it is
           the only one of the genus Siciliaria Vest, 1867 living in this island. Siciliaria scarificata can
           be morphologically identified by the presence of a high columellar lamella, ascending in a
           double “S” curve, a wide anterior upper palatal plica, long basal plica, sulcalis present;
           clausilium plate distally less narrowed; genitalia are characterized by very short bursa
           copulatrix duct; short diverticulum of bursa copulatrix; penial papilla conic and short. Notes
           about its taxonomy, biology and conservation status are also provided.

KEY WORDS  Door snail; Siciliaria; island endemism; taxonomy; conservation status.

Received 21.02.2015; accepted 23.03.2015; printed 30.03.2015
Proceedings of the Eighth Malacological Pontine Meeting, October 4th- 5th, 2014 - San Felice Circeo, Italy

INTRODUCTION                                                O. Boettger (1877) named as Siciliaria Vest,
                                                        1867 sensu stricto the “Formenkreise of septem-
    Vest (1867) described the genus Siciliaria for a    plicata”, and as Trinacria O. Boettger, 1877 the
group of door snail species from Sicily with S.         “Formenkreise of crassicostata”. Nordsieck (1979)
grohmanniana Rossmässler, 1836 type species.            listed the same species as O. Boettger (1877) and
                                                        reunited the species groups (Siciliaria s. str., Trinac-
    Adolf Schmidt (1868) classified the seven si-       ria (preoccupied) = Sicania Tomlin) because S. cal-
cilian species known so far, into two groups which      carae has an intermediate morphological position.
mainly differ by the formation of the clausilium        Nordsieck (2002) listed 12 species of Siciliaria
plate and by sculpture, development of lamellae (in-    s.str., sub Charpentieria (Siciliaria), and classified
serta, inferior lamella) and palatal plicae. The first  them in two species groups, based on some shell
group is reported as: “Formenkreis of septem-           characters.
plicata” which includes Clausilia grohmanniana,
C. septemplicata Philippi, 1836, C. calcarae Phil-          Nordsieck (2007), in his catalog on world
ippi, 1844, C. confinata Benoit, 1859 (= scarificata    Clausiliidae, listed 12 species with 7 subspecies of
L. Pfeiffer, 1856), and C. tiberii A. Schmidt, 1868;    Siciliaria s.str., even as Charpentieria (Siciliaria):
the second group as “Formenkreis of crassicostata”      Siciliaria (Siciliaria) calcarae calcarae, S. calcarae
with C. crassicostata L. Pfeiffer, 1856 and C. nobilis  belliemii (Brandt, 1961), S. crassicostata, S.
L. Pfeiffer, 1848.                                      eminens (A. Schimdt, 1868), S. ferrox (Brandt,
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