Page 2 - Liberto_et_al_2015_Siciliaria_scarificata_Clausiliidae_Marettimo_Sicily
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1961), S. grohmanniana, S. leucophryna (L.                 lamellae were studied breaking the shells with a
Pfeiffer, 1862), S. nobilis, S. riberothi (Brandt,         scalpel. The method of calculating the number of
1961), S. scarificata (L. Pfeiffer, 1856), S. septem-      whorls by Kerney & Cameron (1979) was used.
plicata septemplicata, S. septemplicata alcamoensis        Shell measures were based on the study of 20 spe-
(Brandt, 1961), S. septemplicata hemmeni Beck-             cimens. Photos were carried out with a Panasonic
mann, 2004, S. spezialensis (H. Nordsieck, 1984), S.       Lumix DMC-FZ20 digital camera. Anatomical
tiberii tiberii, S. tiberii scalettensis Beckmann, 2004.   details were drawn using a Wild camera lucida. The
                                                           collection data are listed as follows: State, region,
    This checklist is confirmed by Bank (2011) and         municipality, locality, altitude, dates, collection and
by Nordsieck (2013).                                       number of specimens in parentheses. Toponyms
                                                           (place-names) are reported following Map “IGM 1:
    The genus Siciliaria s. str. is endemic to Western     25000, Isola di Marettimo, sheet 256 IV - N.O.”.
Sicily, from Caccamo in the East to the island of          Each locality and/or collection site is named in the
Marettimo in the West, and from San Vito lo Capo           original language (italian).
in the North, to Castelvetrano and Ribera in the
South. The hot spot of biodiversity are the moun-              Voucher specimens were stored in the following
tains in the northern part, whereas in the central and     Museums and private collections: F. Liberto,
southern area (Sicani Mountains) the presence of           Cefalù, Italy (LC); Museo Naturalistico F. Minà
Siciliaria is discontinuous. The genus Siciliaria s. str.  Palumbo, Castelbuono, Italy (MNMP); A. Reitano,
is reported in Quaternary deposits of Palermo (De          Tremestieri Etneo, Italy (RC); I. Sparacio, Palermo,
Gregorio, 1886: Monte Pellegrino; 1927: Pietrazzi,         Italy (SC).
Bellolampo; our personal data: Mount Catalfano)
and in the Quaternary deposit of Wied tal-Bahrija in           CONCHOLOGICAL ACRONYMS. AUPP:
the Island of Malta (Giusti et al., 1995).                 Anterior upper palatal plica; CL: columellar
                                                           lamella; D: shell width; H: shell height; L: lunella;
    Siciliaria scarificata was discovered by the si-       LPP: lower palatal plica (basal plica); PL: parietal
cilian naturalist Luigi Benoit (1804–1890) who dis-        lamella; PLL: parallel lamella; PP: principal plica;
tributed shells of this door snail to his malacologists    PUPP: posterior upper palatal plica; SCL: sub-
colleagues under the name of Clausilia confinata.          columellar lamella; SL: spiral lamella; SUL:
Luis Pfeiffer (1856) published the first valid descrip-    sulcalis; SP: sutural plica. ANATOMICAL AC-
tion with the name C. scarificata (Fig. 1) reporting       RONYMS. BC: bursa copulatrix; BCD: divertic-
its distribution as “Habitat in Sicilia”. Subsequently,    ulum of bursa copulatrix; DBC: duct of the bursa
L. Pfeiffer (1859) specified the distribution as “in       copulatrix; E: epiphallus; FO: free oviduct; G:
insula Maretima Siciliae”. However in the course of        penial papilla; GA: genital atrium; P: penis; PR:
1800s and up to about the 1970s most authors used          penial retractor muscle; V: vagina; VD: vas deferens.
the name C. confinata Benoit or the incorrect spelling
C. sacrificata Benoit, 1875 (see below). The original      SYSTEMATICS
description and all subsequent descriptions were
based on shell features; while genitalia were never        Family CLAUSILIIDAE J.E. Gray, 1855
described and illustrated.                                 Genus Siciliaria Vest, 1867
                                                           Type species: Clausilia grohmanniana Ross-
    This paper is intended to redescribe this species
in detail (shell and genitalia) and also provided notes        mässler, 1836
about its taxonomy, biology and conservation status.

MATERIAL AND METHODS                                       Siciliaria (Siciliaria) scarificata (L. Pfeiffer, 1856)

    All living specimens were relaxed in water and         Clausilia scarificata, L. Pfeiffer, 1856: 185, Pl. 2,
then preserved in 80% ethanol. Five specimens                  figs. 20–22 - Habitat in Sicilia
were anatomically investigated under a Leica
MZ12.5 stereomicroscope using scalpel, scissors            Clausilia scarificata, L. Pfeiffer, 1859: 765–766 -
and needles. Empty shells were kept dry, and have              Habitat in insula Maretima Siciliae
been measured with a digital gauge. The plicae and
                                                           Clausilia confinata, Benoit, 1859: Pl. 6, fig. 6
                                                           Clausilia scarificata, Küster, 1860–1861: 298, Pl.

                                                               34, figs. 1–3 - Insel Maretima
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