Page 8 - Liberto_et_al_2015_Siciliaria_scarificata_Clausiliidae_Marettimo_Sicily
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etum; tooth-like (upper) parietal lamella; high              REMARKS. Nordsieck (2002) classified the 12
columellar (lower parietal) lamella, ascending in a      species of Siciliaria s. str. in two groups, based on
double “S” curve; scarcely emergent subcolumellar        some shell characters. The first group is named
lamella (Figs. 17, 18). Peristome continuous,            “nobilis-calcarae” and is characterized by:
thickened, reflected, fused above to last whorl wall.    columellar lamella (inferior lamella) low to mod-
Normal type clausilial apparatus, with palatal edge      erately high, mostly only one anterior upper palatal
of clausilium plate somewhat bent up, outer corner       plica present, clausilium plate distally not markedly
more or less pointed, sutural angle bent up (Figs.       narrowed, outer corner blunt to pointed. This group
19–21). The outer edge of the clausilium plate rests     is further divided into two subgroups: “nobilis” sub-
against the lunella and the sulcalis in the closed       group (S. nobilis, S. spezialensis, S. crassicostata,
position.                                                and S. eminens) has palatal edge of clausilium plate
                                                         not upbent; “calcarae” subgroup (S. calcarae, S.
    Body. Animal narrow, posteriorly pointed, skin       tiberii, and S. leucophryna) has palatal edge of
yellowish in color with brown-greysh tubercles;          clausilium plate more or less upbent. The second
foot narrow with sole paler than body, bipartite by      principal group is named “grohmanniana” (S.
an indistinct longitudinal central groove and with       grohmanniana, S. septemplicata, and S. scari-
margins divided by small parallel radial groove (5       ficata), it is characterized by columellar lamella
specim. in alcohol preserved).                           high, two anterior upper palatal plicae present,
                                                         clausilium plate distally narrowed with outer corner
    Genitalia (Figs. 22–24). General scheme of           more or less pointed. Siciliaria ferrox and S.
semidiaulic monotrematic type. Genitalia consisting      riberothi were not included in none of these groups
of large ovotestis with many close acini; long thin,     because of ambiguous character combinations.
convoluted hermaphrodite duct; very large, albumen
gland; well developed ovispermiduct, formed by               Siciliaria scarificata is considered transitional
female portion externally regularly subdivided and       to the two principal groups, because it has inferior
spaced by annular constrictions, large prostatic         lamella less high, second anterior upper palatal
portion and seminal groove externally not visible;       plica missing, clausilium plate distally less nar-
slender free oviduct (2.6 mm); bursa copulatrix          rowed. Nordsieck (2013) reaffirms S. scarificata is
complex consist of slender copulatory duct (2.9 mm)      closely related to the other species of the “grohman-
which branches in very short bursa copulatrix duct       niana” group.
with leaf-like bursa copulatrix (2 mm), and slight
longer diverticulum of bursa copulatrix (3.6 mm in           At present it is difficult to establish the real
length); vagina (1.8 mm in length) uniform in            affinity between these species using only morpho-
diameter for almost its entire length; vas deferens      logical observations. Consequently, discussion of
long and slender, entering epiphallus; epiphallus (3.9   the relationships of S. scarificata is postponed to
mm) divided by point of insertion of robust penial       when more data (molecular data in particular) will
retractor muscle into conical proximal portion and       be available.
shorter cylindrical distal portion; a swelling is
present at the transition penis-epiphallus; cylindrical      Here we add some morphological data for the
penis (2.4 mm in length) slightly wider than vagina.     “grohmanniana” group not considered by
Internal walls of penis with two furrows; relatively     Nordsieck (2002; 2013). Siciliaria grohmanniana
short, conic penial papilla with rounded apex (Fig.      has a small "inserta lamella" (0.7 mm) placed
23). Internal walls of epiphallus covered with small     between the columellar lamella and the spiral
papille and crossed by two low pleats (Fig. 24).         lamella, running from the point of arrest of clausil-
                                                         ium outward. This lamella, reported by A. Schmidt
     DISTRIBUTION AND BIOLOGY. Siciliaria scari-         (1868) for S. grohmanniana and also for S. septem-
ficata is endemic of the Island of Marettimo, the        plicata, is absent in S. scarificata. Siciliaria
westernmost of the Egadi Islands, in Western Sicily      grohmanniana and S. septemplicata have a shorter
(Fig. 2). It lives in limestone habitat with Mediter-    sulcalis compared with S. scarificata. Welter-
ranean maquis, on walls and in the crevices of cal-      Shultes (2012) reports on a subclaustralis, which we
careous rocks, under stones, in conoids of debris        don’t recognize.
and at the base of cliffs (Figs. 3–6).
                                                             The genitalia of S. scarificata are similar to
                                                         those of other species of Siciliaria s. str. known: S.
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