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Worldwide checklist of the island mutillid wasps (Hymenoptera Mutillidae) 583
Invrea F., 1965. Studi sugli Apterogynidi e Mutillidi della Krombein K.V., 1979b. Superfamily Scolioidea. In:
Palestina (Hymenoptera). Memorie della Società Krombein K.V., Hurd P.D.Jr., Smith D.R. & Burks
entomologica italiana, 44: 53–93. B.D. (Eds.). Catalog of Hymenoptera in America
Invrea F., 1966. Mutillidi di Malta (Hymenoptera). Bol- North of Mexico. Vol. 2. Apocrita (Aculeata).
lettino dell’Accademia Gioenia di Scienze naturali, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, 1253–
8: 664–668. 1321.
Jacobson E.R., 1909. Die nieuwe fauna van Krakatau. Krombein K.V., 1981. The Smithsonian insect project in
Jaarverslag van den Topographischen Dienst in Sri Lanka, 1969–1975. Spolia Zeylanica, 35 (1980):
Nederlandsch-Indie, 4: 192–211. 119–133.
Jennings J.T. & Austin A.D., 2015. Synopsis of the Krombein K.V., 1982. A preliminary analysis of affinities
hymenopteran fauna of Lord Howe Island with a and derivation of the wasp fauna of Sri Lanka (Hy-
preliminary checklist of species. Zootaxa, 3931: 423– menoptera: Aculeata). Entomologia Generalis, 8: 43–
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Jennings J.T., Krogmann L. & Burwell C., 2013. Review Krombein K.V. & Lelej A.S., 1999. Biosystematic
of the hymenopteran fauna of New Caledonia with a studies of Ceylonese wasps, XXII. Bethsmyrmilla, a
checklist of species. Zootaxa, 3736: 1–53. new genus of mutillid wasps (Hymenoptera: Mutill-
King J.J.F.X., 1915. Mutilla europaea at Ballater. The idae: Myrmillinae). Proceedings of the Entomologi-
Scottish Naturalist, 45: 287–288. cal Society of Washington, 101: 143–148.
Krombein K.V. 1939. Description of a new Madagascan Krombein K.V., Norden B.B., Rickson M.M. & Rickson
Lophotilla (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae). Annals of the F.R. 1999. Biodiversity of the domatia occupants
American Entomological Society, 33: 316–317. (ants, wasps, bees, and others) of the Sri Lankan
Krombein K.V., 1949a. The Aculeate Hymenoptera of myrmecophyte Humboldtia laurifolia Vahl (Fabaceae).
Micronesia. I. Scoliidae, Mutillidae, Pompilidae and Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 603: i-iv+1–
Sphecidae. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomolo- 34.
gical Society, 13: 367–410. Kuhlmann M., 2006. Fauna and biogeography of the bees
Krombein K.V., 1949b. Notes on two West Indian and wasps of the Cook Islands (Hymenoptera
Mutillidae (Hymenoptera). Entomological news, 60: Aculeata). Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 15: 26–
72–73. 37.
Krombein K.V., 1951. Notes on some Madagascan Lelej A.S., 1985. Osy-nemki (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae)
Mutillidae with description of two new species (Hy- fauny SSSR i sopredelnykh stran [Mutillids (Hymen-
menoptera, Scolioidea). Mémoires de l’Institut Scien- optera, Mutillidae) of the URSS and neighboring
tifiques de Madagascar, 5: 285–294. countries]. Nauka, Leningrad, 268 pp. (in Russian)
Krombein K.V., 1971. A monograph of the Mutillidae of Lelej A.S., 1993. A new genus of velvet ants from Sri
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Islands, Part I: Mutillinae (Hymenoptera, Aculeata). 16: 233–236.
In: Asahina S. et al. (Eds.). Entomological essays: Lelej A.S., 1995. To the knowledge of East Asian species
to commemorate the retirement of Professor K. of the tribe Smicromyrmini Bischoff, 1920 (Hymen-
Yasumatsu. Hokuryukan Publ. Co. Ltd., Tokyo, 25– optera, Mutillidae) with description of four new
60. genera and eight new species. Far Eastern Entomo-
Krombein K.V., 1972. Monograph of the Madagascan logist, 13: 1–28.
Mutillidae (Hymenoptera). Part I: Myrmillini, Mu- Lelej A.S., 1996a. To the knowledge of the East Asian
tillini and Smicromyrmini. Annales du Musée Royal species of tribe Trogaspidiini Bischoff, 1920 (Hy-
d’Afrique Centrale, Série in-8°, Sciences Zoologique, menoptera, Mutillidae) with description of eight new
199: i-x+1-61. genera and two new species. Far Eastern Entomolo-
Krombein K.V., 1978. Biosystematic studies of Ceylonese gist, 30: 1–24.
wasps, III. Life history, nest and associates of Paralep- Lelej A.S., 1996b. Mutillid wasps collected in Malaysia
tomenes mephitis (Cameron) (Hymenoptera, Eumen- and Indonesia by Dr. Sk. Yamane (Hymenoptera,
idae). Journal of Kansas Entomological Society, 51: Mutillidae). Tropics, 6: 91–104.
721–734. Lelej A.S., 2002. Catalogue of the Mutillidae (Hymen-
Krombein K.V., 1979a. Biosystematic studies of Ceylonese optera) of the Palaearctic region. Dalnauka, Vla-
wasps, IV. Kudakrumiinae, a new subfamily of divostok, 172 pp.
primitive wasps (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae). Trans- Lelej A.S., 2005. Catalogue of the Mutillidae (Hymen-
actions of the American Entomological Society, 105: optera) of the Oriental Region. Dalnauka, Vla-
67–83. divostok, 250 pp.