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Downloaded by [] at 13:16 23 June 2016  Ringing & Migration (2000), 20,125-128

                                                     Some aspects of the population structure of Storm Petrels
                                                     Hydrobates pelagicus breeding on a Mediterranean island

                                                                          F. LO VALVO and B. MASSA* Stazione di Inanellamento, c/o Istituto di
                                                                          Entomologia agraria, V.le delle Scienze 13, 90128 Palermo, Italy

                                                                          Between 1986and 1998 1,374 adults and 1,708 chicksof Storm Petrels Hydrobates
                                                                          pelagicus have been ringed on Marettimo Is. (Sicily, Italy); 207 (15.1%) adults and
                                                                          31 (1.8%) chicks were subsequently controlled. Only eight adults (0.6%) were
                                                                          recoveredtwice in different years after ringing. Site tenacity within the study site
                                                                          was observed, both of individuals ringed as adults and of those ringed as chicks,
                                                                          together with high intrapopulational turnover (neither adults after more than six
                                                                          years since ringing, nor individuals ringed as chicks aged more than seven years
                                                                          were recovered). This helps to explain eight cases of individuals ringed as chicks and
                                                                          recovered as breedingadults between one and threeyears after fledging.

                                                     The population of Storm Petrels breeding in The laying period is strongly asynchronous; first

                                                     the Mediterranean basin has been estimated arrivals to the colony occur in March and fledging

                                                     at 15-20,000 pairs, though decreasing since 1965, of last young in October. Storm Petrels lay their

                                                     due mostly to human disturbance (Massa & eggs on the ground, in crevices, burrows, and

                                                     Sultana 1991; Massa & Même in Hagemeijer & holes at the sides of the cave walls. Up to the

                                                     Blair 1997). Following recent censuses, 1970s this species was breeding inside different

                                                     Mediterranean islets holding the largest colonies caves along the western coast of Marettimo, but

                                                     are Filfla (off Malta, about 5-10,000 pairs) and in recent years these colonies were deserted, due

                                                     Marettimo (Egadi Is., off the west coast of Sicily, to human disturbance and prédation by rats; the

                                                     more than 1,000 pairs) (Massa & Catalisano only successful colony is inaccessible to terrestrial

                                                     1986a, 1986b). Some authors (e.g. Hemery & predators and does not suffer disturbance by

                                                     D'Elbée 1985;Catalisano et al.1988) consider the tourism and nautical sports during summer

                                                     Mediterranean subspecies H. pelagicus melitensis (Massa & Sultana 1991).

                                                     to be taxonomically valid; individuals are                Nowadays Marettimo is included among the
                                                     characterized by greater size compared to              Important Bird Areas of Europe (Grimmett &
                                                     Atlantic ones, H. pelagicus pelagicus.                 Jones 1989), among the Special Areas for
                                                     Consequently, the conservation of this                 Conservation in application of Habitats Directive
                                                     Mediterranean population is important.                 92/43 and among the Nature Reserves of the

                                                     This paper presents some data from a long- Sicilian Regional Plan.

                                                     term study of Storm Petrels on the island of

                                                     Marettimo, which suggests important METHODS
                                                     parameters of the population's life-history

                                                     characteristics.                                       Between 1986 and 1997 (with the exception of

                                                                                                            1989 and 1995) we visited the colony at least once

                                                     STUDY SITE                                             a year in mid July (in August in 1997), in order to
                                                                                                            ring adults (brooding the egg or attending

                                                     The colony on Marettimo (37°58'N, 12°03'E) is recently hatched chicks) and chicks aged more

                                                     located within a wide cave accessible only from than 15 days. We were not able to ring both

                                                     the sea, about 250m long and consisting of four partners of each pair, since only one individual

                                                     sectors at different levels; the first of them (A) is  was present at the nest. Individuals ringed in
                                                     a wide room, the second one is subdivided in           one of the four sectors cited above were
                                                     two rather parallel corridors (B and C), and the       recorded on a map of the cave; since we did not
                                                     third (D) is a narrow terrace about 15m long.          ring within the entire cave, we know the precise


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