Page 2 - LoValvo_Massa_2000
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126 F. Lo Valvo and B. Massa

Downloaded by [] at 13:16 23 June 2016  ringing and recovery sites only of individuals          adults and 31 (1.8%) ringed as chicks. The
                                                     ringed in the sectors A-D, about 50% of the total.      percentage of adults recovered 1-6 years after
                                                     Some nests were marked by a plastic strip fixed         ringing ranged between 0 and 53.8%. Only eight
                                                     on the ground, on which the ring number of one          adults (0.6%) were recovered twice in different
                                                     or both partners has been written. Since each           years after ringing. The low number of adults
                                                     year Storm Petrels have been ringed following a         recovered in 1997 reflects the late visit to the
                                                     similar route, lower numbers of rings were used         colony; by August chicks are well developed and
                                                     at the entrance of the corridors and higher ones        adults attend them only at night.
                                                     at the end; this allowed us to establish site tenacity
                                                     following the same numerical sequence of many              One individual ringed as a chick at Marettimo
                                                     recoveries along the corridors.                         on 16 July 1987 was recovered two years later
                                                                                                             (on 15July 1989) at Filfla Is. (36°N, 14°E, Sicilian
                                                     RESULTS                                                 Channel, about 300kms east of Marettimo), and
                                                                                                             another ringed as a chick at Marettimo on 26
                                                     In eleven seasons we ringed 1,374 adults (Table         July 1992 was recovered five years later (on 8
                                                     1) and 1,708 chicks (Table 2). Since then we have       July 1997) at Cabrera Is. (39°08'N, 2°56'E, about
                                                     recovered 207 (15.1%) individuals ringed as             800kms west of our study site); another ringed
                                                                                                             as adult at Filfla on 15 June 1991 was recovered,

                                                     Table 1. Adult Storm Petrels ringed and recovered at Marettimo between 1986 and 1998.

                                                     Ringed 1987 1988 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1996 1997 1998 Recovered %

                                                     1986 193 20 10  2                                                                      32 16.6
                                                     1987 267        7
                                                                                                                                            15 5.6

                                                     1988 40         71                                      1                              9 22.5

                                                     1990 142        -1               9 6 12                                                28 19.7

                                                     1991 21         --                                      12                             3 14.3

                                                     1992 106        -             -  - 18                   19 15                          5 57 53.8

                                                     1993 117        --                                      9 18           12              30 25.6

                                                     1994 225        --               --                     - 18                           5 23 10.2

                                                     1996 228        __ _                                    __                             10 10 4.4

                                                     1997 3

                                                     1998 32

                                                     Total 1,374 20 18 16                                    25 43 51                       22 207

                                                     Table 2. Storm Petrels ringed at Marettimo as chicks and recovered as breeding adults between 1986 and 1998.

                                                     Ringed 1987 1988 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1996 1997 1998 Recovered %

                                                     1986 200        11                                                                                1 0.5
                                                     1987 173        12                                                                                2 1.2
                                                     1988 28                                                                                           2 7.1
                                                     1990 125                                                                                          2 1.6
                                                     1991 129                                                                                2 11 8.5
                                                     1992 172                                                                                1 5 2.9
                                                     1993 153                                                                                2 2 1.3
                                                     1994 227                                                                                2 3 1.3
                                                     1996 133                                                                                1 1 0.7
                                                     1997 164                                                                                2 2 1.2
                                                     1998 204
                                                     Total 1,708                                                                            10 31

                                                     © 2000 British Trust for Ornithology, Ringing & Migration,20, 125-128
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