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spot shoals of tuna that are subsequently scooped up by industriai photographed and filmed numerous times. Favignana;s tonnara is a
fishing fleets. Bluefin tuna are consequently diminishing in numbers sophisticated trap system consisting of kilometres of netted walls de-
and size and have been considered overexploited since 1982. signed and positioned to deflect tuna migrating along the coast. The
Tuna stocks are most threatened in the Mediterranean, where trap comprises kilometres of steel cable, more than four hundred iron
about twenty per cent of the world's dwindling supply is caught. anchors weighing from six-hundred to four-thousand pounds, more
Bluefin tuna are commercially highly valuable. Most tuna caught in than 3,500 stone weights of forty pounds each, and enormous nets of
the Mediterranean are packed in ice and flown directly to Tokyo's nylon or coconut fibre. The nets are anchored parallel to the coast, are
Tsukiji fish market, where individuai giants may fetch extremely gradually restricted in size, and raised towards the surface. The ton-
high prices of over US$ 100.000. Consumer appetite for sushi and nara's two kilometres-long wings guide the tuna to the entrance or
sashimi seems insatiable. The scarcity ofbluefin tuna has prompted 'mouth' of the trap. A series of six successive chambers with distinct
legai restrictions. The International Commission for the Conserva- names, each divided by a net gate, lead to the final seventh chamber,
tion of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) regulates the fishery (Block et al. la camera della morte, 'the chamber of death'. The fishermen herd the
2001). It has developed a management regime for the eastern bluefin tuna from one chamber to the next; lowering the dividing net once
tuna stock based on a Total Allowable Catch, with quotas being allo- the tuna have passed through (Pitcher 2001:603).
cateci on a state-by-state basis. This makes bluefin tuna the only fish For hundreds of years, the local fishermen have been using a ton-
resource in the Mediterranean managed through quota regulations. nara to capture bluefin tuna (cf. Collet 1987; Maggio 2000; Ravier
However, the efficiency of the bluefin tuna management regime is and Fromentin 2001). Arabs founded Favignana's tonnara in 807
limited, mainly due to the lack ofExclusive Economie Zones (EEZs) A.D., though they may have found a trap already in place. Sicily's
in the Mediterranean and the related problems of enforcing legisla- first King claimed the tonnara for the crown in the 11 rh century but
tion in international waters. often leased it to generate income (Maggio 2000:57). Parts of the sea
One of the very few places where the traditional tuna trap fish- were appropriateci as private property and a feudal mode of produc-
eries have survived so far is Favignana, a tiny (19 square kilometres) tion carne about (Collet 1987 :46). Medieval ton naro ti worked fora
island offSicily's west coast. It is a close-knit community with ap- wage specified in a seasonal contract and received a percentage of the
proximately 3,200 inhabitants, most of whom live in Favignana tuna and other fish inadvertently trapped (Maggio 2000:58). In Me-
città, the island's port town. Favignana is often referred to as La Far- dieval times, the tuna traps ofFavignana and elsewhere on Sicily con-
falla on account of its shape that resembles a butterfly <farfalla) a- trìbuted considerably to economie life. In the 12rh and 13'h centuries,
flutter. Its western wing is dominateci by the 300 metres high Favignana's tonnara 'présente les traits d'une protoindustrialisation
Montagna Grossa with the fort Santa Caterina on top. Its eastern de type capitaliste, fonctionnant avec un important capi tal productif,
wing is much flatter. Here, tufa stone used to be quarried. Favignana un système de rénumération précocement monétarisé. Le production
is o ne of the three Egadi Islands ( the other ones being Levanzo an d est tournée vers le marché, vers les marches urbains se trouvant à
Marettimo) and today i t is a popular tourist resort, not least for its grande distance' (Collet 1987:46). Catch records go back to as early
specific ways of tuna fishing which have been watched, described, as 15 99. In the seventeenth century, Favignana' s tonnara had a repu-
tation ofbeing the 'queen' of the Mediterranean tuna traps. Between
4 The tradition also exists in Bonagfa, Sicily (cf. Ravazza 1999). Until re-
cently, it was also extant in Portoscuso and Carloforte (Sardinia) and in 5 The barrier nets or wings also have distinct names: la coda and la costa.
Camogli (Norrhern Italy). Outside Italy, there are still traditional tuna traps The names of the chambers are levante, camera grande, bordonaia, bastardo, ca-
in Spain (2), Croatia (2), Libya (2), Tunisia (2) and Morocco (1). mera, bastardella, and finally camera della morte (Maggio 2000: 129-130).