Page 9 - Marrone_Mura_2006
P. 9
Updated status of Anostraca, Notostraca and Spinicaudata... 11
Figure 1 — Updated distribution of Notostraca and Spinicaudata in Sicily. The black dots in the cells
indicate the presence of one or more sites hosting the species inside the cells themselves. Location
of the site hosting Leptestheria dahalacensis is unknown and thus is not displayed. A: Lepidurus apus
lubbocki; B: Triops cancriformis; C: Cyzicus tetracerus; D: Leptestheria cf. cortieri.
Figure 2 — Updated distribution of Anostraca in Sicily. The black dots in the cells indicate the pres-
ence of one or more sites hosting the species inside the cells themselves. A: Chirocephalus diaphanus;
B: Branchipus pasai; C: Branchipus schaefferi; D: Artemia salina.