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the Etna, A. navicularis Nardi (2n = 24), is distri- Mediterranean range, which in Sicily is represented
buted in Sardinia, the Egadi Islands and in the nor- by 4 native species endemic to the Archipelago
thern Algeria and Tunisia; A. altissima Desf. marks (Fig. 4) and 1 naturalized there (Oncostema peru-
contacts between SE Sicily and Algeria; A. clusii vianum (L.) Speta, from SW Iberian peninsula).
Lojac. (2n = 12) occurs in S-Italy, Sicily and Malta. The native taxa are: O. siculum (Tineo ex Guss.)
From a more general point of view, there are several Speta (2n = 28) (Fig. 5) which occurs in several,
other geophytes showing similar correlations in the scattered localities of NW and SE Sicily, and in
Central Mediterranean. Malta where aneuploid elements have also been re-
corded; O. hughii (Tineo ex Guss.) Speta (2n = 28)
Among these, Orchis brancifortii Biv. (Fig. 3) (Fig. 6), which is confined in Egadi Island of Ma-
occurs in Sardinia, Sicily, and probably in some cal- rettimo, west of Sicily; O. dimartinoi (Brullo et Pa-
careous sites scattered in the southernmost Calabria. vone) F. Conti et Soldano (Fig. 7), confined in the
O. longicornu (Poir.) occurs in Sicily, Sardinia and islet of Lampedusa, located between Sicily and
Corsica; Serapias nurrica Corrias, first described Malta. Finally O. ceruleum (Raf.) Speta, distribu-
as endemic to Sardinia (Corrias, 1982) is presently ted in the central and western part of Sicily. This
known occurring scattered in several localities of fragmented distribution at the species level gene-
Sicily (Giardina et al., 2007), Calabria, Corsica rally agrees with some possible evolution happe-
(Grünanger, 2001) and Tunisia (Véla et al., 2012). ned in a rather far past. Therefore, some small areas
As regards other regions, in comparison with O. where O. siculum and O. ceruleum occurr can pre-
quadripunctata Cirillo ex Ten., O brancifortii can sently be considered as having had an insular status
be considered as an interesting case of vicariance like the coastal more evident ones shown by Rai-
relating to southeastern European taxa. Similar cor- mondo et al. (2001).
relation with SE European flora can be found in se-
veral other taxa (Galanthus, for instance). Considering the complex surrounding Sicily, in
general each island denotes its own insular condi-
CIRCUMSICILIAN ISLANDS tion through some local representatives whose neo-
or palaeo- endemic nature refers to the volcanic or
In addition to the above outlined relations, most calcareous geological origins. Among these, Allium
of the instances concerning distribution and evolu- is represented by several species localized in very
tion of the endemic pattern are inside the Sicilian small islets (cfr. Giardina et al., 2007). In particular,
archipelago itself. Here only some cases are taken in the Egadi islands, A. aethusanum Garbari and A.
into account. franciniae Brullo et Pavone, are endemic to Favi-
gnana and Marettimo, respectively.
The orchid genus Anacamptis Rich., whose
wide range includes most of Europe and the Medi- In addition, A. lopadusanum Bartolo et al., is a
terranean, in Sicily is represented by A. pyramida- rare endemic to Lampedusa (Pelagie islands); A.
lis (L.) Rich. (2n = 36), wich is widespread longispatum Lojac., of uncertain value, is located
generally on limestone ground. This species is also in the past islet of Capo Catalfano (Raimondo et
found in the Maltese islands there bearing the te- al., 2001). Regarding other families showing simi-
traploid 2n = 72 number. Furthermore in the same lar distributions, in the Amarylidaceae family,
islands another local diploid endemic species is Pancratium linosae Soldano et Conti is confined
confined, A. urvilleana (Sommier) Caruana (2n = in the Linosa islet (Pelagie islands); and among
36), being morphologically, karyologically and the orchids, Serapias cossyrensis B. et H. Bau-
phenologically quite distinct from A. pyramidalis. mann, related to S. cordigera L., is endemic to
The occurrence of these two isolated taxa has been Pantelleria (Pelagie islands). Finally, Ophrys sco-
considered as the result of contacts happened bet- lopax Cav. s.l. is cited owing to it occasionally oc-
ween Sicily and Malta and consequent evolution curs in the islets of the Archipelago without any
processes that have been repeated at least two times constant localization. This is another characteristic
(Del Prete et al., 1991). of geophytes, especially orchids, and their occur-
rence in the islands.
Another example in the family of Hyacinthaceae
refers to Oncostema, a genus with a central and W-