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Biodiversity Journal, 2015, 6 (3): 703-708

                        Additions and corrections to the Scissurellidae and Anatom-

                         idae (Gastropoda Vetigastropoda) of the Mediterranean Sea,

                        with first record of Sinezona semicostata Burnay et Rolan, 990

                         Pasquale Micali & Daniel L. Geiger          2

                         'via Papiria 17, 61032 Fano, Pesaro-Urbino, Italy; e-mail:
                         Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, 2559 Puesta del Sol Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93105-2936 U.S.A.; e-mail:

                        ABSTRACT                   New information on the scissurellids fauna, Scissurellidae and Anatomidae (Gastropoda

                                                    Vetigastropoda), in the Mediterranean Sea is presented. Scissurella azorensis Nolt, 2008, is
                                                    confirmed from several localities in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Sinezona semicostata Burnay et
                                                   Rolan, 1990, a species until now known from Cape Verde and Canary Islands, is reported
                                                    for the first time in the Mediterranean, based on the record of 12 specimens at Linosa island

                                                    (Sicily Channel), 35 m. Anatoma crispata (Fleming, 1828) does not occur in the Mediter-
                                                   ranean; earlier misidentified records are corrected. Anatoma eximia Seguenza, 1880, appears
                                                   to be a cold water guest species at the type locality Gallina, Reggio Calabria.

                         KEY WORDS                 Anatoma; Scissurella Sinezona Mediterranean.
                                                                            ;           ;
                        Received 27.07.2015; accepted 21.08.2015; printed 30.09.2015

                        INTRODUCTION                                                        anticipated, some errors need to be corrected, and

                                                                                             some additional data have come to light in the
                             Scissurellidae and Anatomidae are two families                 meantime (see also Pimenta & Geiger, in press).

                        of microscopic marine gastropods of world-wide                      Here are addressed some novel data for the Mediter-
                        distribution. They are amongst the smallest gastro-                 ranean Sea.

                        pods (0.5-11 mm, modal size ~l-3 mm), and are
                        distributed in all fully marine oceans from the

                        intertidal to the abyssal plain. They are members of                MATERIAL AND METHODS
                        the basal Vetigastropoda as evidenced by paired

                        gills, a rhipidoglossate radula, and usually with a                      Standard procedures for scanning electron mi-
                        slit or hole in the shell above the mantle cavity.                   croscopy (SEM) were employed (see Geiger et al.,

                        Unlike other Vetigastropoda such as abalone (Hali-                   2007; Geiger, 2012).
                        otidae), top snails (Trochidae Turbinidae), and                          Some specialized terms are defined following

                         slit shells (Pleurotomariidae), scissurellids lack a                Geiger (2012).
                        nacreous inner shell layer (see Geiger et al., 2008                      • Selenizone: the closed portion of the slit. Has

                         for review).                                                        lateral keel and growth markings (= lunules). The
                             The groups have been recently revised and mono-                 onset of the selenizone with growth defines the

                        graphed by Geiger (2012) on a global scale. As was                   boundary between teleoconch I and II.
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