Page 3 - Micali_Geiger_2015
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Scissurellidae and Anatomidae of the Mediterranean Sea, with first record of Sinezona semicostata 705
ment in genus Sinezona Finlay, 1926 is indicated by ranean record (SBMNH 456687, 7; PMF 8). Al-
the anteriorly closed slit. This character is difficult though similar to Sci. azorensis. Sin. semicostata is
to observe in many shells, because the apertures of readily distinguished by the protoconch sculpture
shells found in shell grit are usually damaged. composed of half as many and much stronger axial
Twelve specimens have been found at Linosa in cords (Figs. 1-4). The species’ range is herewith ex-
shell grit manually collected by SCUBA diving at panded from the Cape Verde Archipelago, Madeira,
Punta Calcarella (south-east of Linosa island, Sicily and the Canary Islands, into the Mediterranean Sea.
Channel) at a depth of about 35 m, most ofthem fully Because Sci. costata d’Orbigny, 1824, a rather
mature (Figs. 1-8), representing the first Mediter- variable species, was found in numerous specimens
Figures 1-12. Scissurellids from Linosa, Pelagian Islands, Italy, 35 m. Figures 1-4. Sinezona semicostata. Figures 5-8.
Sinezona semicostata. Figures 9-12. Scissurella azorensis. Scale bars shell = 500 pm. Scale bars protoconch = 100 pm.