Page 22 - Muscarella_Baragona_2017
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                         TAXON          FA LE MA US LI VU ST SA AL FI PA LM LN LA PN     REFERENCES
                 Cernuella metabola                                       X           Bank, 2011; Manganelli
                 (Westerlund, 1889)                                                   et al., 1995
                 Helicotricha carusoi Giusti,       X X X X X X X                     Giusti et al., 1992
                 Manganelli et Crisci, 1992
                 Schileykiella bodoni                                                 Cianfanelli et al, 2004
                 Cianfanelli, Manganelli      X
                 et Giusti, 2004
                 Trochoidea cumiae                                        X     X     Cianfanelli, 2002
                 (Calcara, 1847)
                 Limax aeolianus Giusti, 1973                 X     X                 Giusti, 1973; Lo Cascio
                                                                                      & Navarra, 2003
                 Oxychilus (Hyalocornea)                                              Benoit, 1857-1862*;
                 alicurensis (Benoit, 1857)                      X                    Giusti, 1973
                 Oxychilus (Hyalocornea)   X X                                        Manganelli et al., 1995
                 egadiensis Riedel, 1973
                 Oxychilus (Hyalocornea)         X                                    Calcara, 1843;
                 nortoni (Calcara, 1843)                                              Liberto et al., 2010
                 Oxychilus (Hyalofusca)       X                                       Manganelli et al., 2007
                 denatale (Pfeiffer, 1856)
                 Oxychilus (Oxychilus)                                    X           Giusti, 1973;
                 diductus (Westerlund, 1886)                                          Corti et al., 2002
                 Oxychilus (Oxychilus)                                                Giusti, 1973*
                 lagrecai Giusti, 1973                              X

                 Table 1/7. Endemic taxa of circum-sicilian island listed by alphabetic order and relative distribution. For the abbreviation of
                 the islands see Table 2. The species followed by * have not been taken into consideration for the elaboration of the Tables.

                 CONCLUSIONS                                  posed by Fattorini (2011) who took into considera-
                                                              tion only Tenebrionids:
                   The  study  of  the  populations  of  the  circum-  - in the case of the Aeolian Islands, the new en-
                 sicilian islands, as we have seen, is particularly  demic species might have originated by propagules
                 complex (see also Francini Corti & Lanza, 1973  arrived from Sicily especially during the periods of
                 and Massa et al., 2011), as these islands vary sub-  marine regression, when the distance between these
                 stantially for their origin (volcanic or sedimentary),  islands and Sicily reduced but not annulled; these
                 paleogeography  (some  have  been  connected  to  propagules might have rapidly differentiated due to
                 Sicily or the African continent during pleistocenic  a marked “bottleneck”, accentuated by the volcanic
                 regressions, other have remained isolated), distance  instability of the area. The origin of paleoendemic
                 from  the  main  source  of  colonisation  (Sicily  or  species is more complex: their genesis is allegedly
                 Africa), surface (Malta, the biggest island, has a  to be found in the complex geological history or
                 surface of 245.7 km but most of the islands are  “paleo-Aeolian islands”
                 smaller than 30 km ) and environmental conditions.  - for the Egads we can suppose a substantial col-
                 Besides, their position at the border between Europe  onisation  via  land  for  Levanzo  and  Favignana,
                 and Africa makes their faunistic composition a mo-  while the populations of Marettimo have a preval-
                 saic of European and African elements (Francini  ently relictual connotation.
                 Corti & Lanza, 1973; Massa 1995b, 2011) with im-  - Ustica, Linosa and Pantelleria, of volcanic ori-
                 portant  implications  of  preservation  (Fattorini,  gin, are very distant from continental areas, with
                 2008, 2011).                                 which they would never have gotten into contact,
                   The conclusions that we draw by analysing as a  which can explain the fact that they show, almost
                 whole the endemic contingents of circum-sicilian  exclusively, endemic species of new formation.
                 islands and the main factors that have determined  -Lampedusa and Lampione are very isolated and
                 the insular differentiation are similar to those pro-  of ancient origin; we can therefore presume that
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