Page 58 - Panuccio2012
P. 58

Differential migration in Western Marsh Harrier

Figure 2 – The map shows ring (summer) and recovery (winter) sites of adult and
juvenile Western Marsh Harriers breeding in Europe.

are not mutually exclusive and could integrate              arriving is associated to higher fitness (Myers
with each other explaining leapfrog migration               1981, Alerstam 1990). Concerning this topic,
of Western Marsh Harrier. Its life-history traits           it has been observed among Western Marsh
clearly indicates that this species is strictly linked      Harriers breeding in Sweden that delayed arrivals
to wetlands that are mostly frozen during winter            lead to a lower breeding success and this is also
in north, central and eastern Europe and therefore          linked to the difficulties in crossing the ecological
feeding opportunities drastically decrease.                 barriers such as the Sahara desert (Strandberg et
Individuals belonging to western and southern               al. 2009). Therefore there are several strategies
Europe could remain close to their breeding sites           that a bird could use to reduce the time needed
since wetlands do not freeze, especially on coastal         to perform the migratory journey (i.e. the use of
areas (like western France), they probably take             more direct routes, limiting the use of stop-over
advantage of milder temperatures in respect to              sites, extending the travelling time also within the
other areas located further East (inland) at the            night). Among them reducing the length of the
same latitude. As a consequence Western Marsh               migratory journey: wintering as closer as possible
Harriers from northern and eastern Europe                   to the breeding sites or, vice versa, breeding as
should be forced to migrate farther to avoid                closer as possible to their wintering grounds.
competition with resident (or shorter-distance              Finally, it is important to consider the different
migrants) birds in western and southern Europe.             starting dates of reproduction; in fact individuals
Moreover in many species of migrating birds early           belonging to northerly breeding range start the

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