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Posidonia oceanica epiphytes of Sicily                              Pardi, Piazzi, Balata, Papi, Cinelli & Benedetti-Cecchi

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circostanti’ (Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del               USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 159, 37–50.
Territorio). We wish to thank S. Calvo, C. Frada` Orest-
ano, A. Tommasello and A. Proietti Zolla for their colla-           Fraschetti S., Terlizzi A., Benedetti-Cecchi L. (2005) Patterns
boration in the project.                                               of distribution of marine assemblages from rocky shore: evi-
                                                                       dence of relevant scales of variation. Marine Ecology Progress
References                                                             Series, 296, 13–29.

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402                                     Marine Ecology 27 (2006) 397–403 ª 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
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