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The vascular flora of the satellite islands of Sicily

biology of threatened plant species of the          EFI Proceedings nr 51: 515-526.
Mediterranean Basin and Macaronesia: a
database. Bocconea, 4.                              La Mantia, T., Pasta, S., Rühl, J. 2009.
                                                    Quadro conoscitivo e proposte gestionali
Kadereit, G., Freitag, H. 2011. Molecular           relative agli aspetti floristici, vegetazionali
phylogeny of Camphorosmeae                          e agro-forestali. Piano di Gestione “Isole
(Camphorosmoideae, Chenopodiaceae):                 Pelagie” SIC ITA040002 “Isole di Lampedusa
implications for biogeography, evolution of         e Lampione” e ZPS ITA040013 “Arcipelago
C4-photosynthesis and taxonomy. Taxon,              delle Pelagie. Area marina e terrestre”.
60(1): 51-78.
                                                    La Mantia, T., Messana, G., Billeci, V.,
Khoury, C., Laliberté, B., Guarino, L.              Dimarca, A., Del Signore, B., Leanza,
2010. Trends in ex situ conservation of             M., Livreri Console, S., Maraventano,
plant genetic resources: a review of global         G., Nicolini, G., Prazzi, E., Quatrini, P.,
crop and regional conservation strategies.          Sanguedolce, F., Sorrentino, G., Pasta,
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 57:           S. 2012. Combining bioengineering and
625-639.                                            plant conservation on a Mediterranean
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La Mantia, T., Rühl, J., Pasta, S., Campisi,
D., Terrazzino, G., 2008. Structural analysis       La Mela Veca, D.S., Pasta, S., Sessa, K., La
of woody species in Mediterranean old               Mantia, T. 2003. Censimento e tutela delle
fields. Plant Biosystems, 142(3): 462-471.          formazioni vegetali naturali fuori foresta:
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Pasta, S. 2011. The agricultural heritage of        201.
Lampedusa (Pelagie Archipelago, South
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Agronomy, 6: 106-110.                               Silenzi, S. 2010. Sea level change along
                                                    the Italian coast during the Holocene and
La Mantia, T., Pasta, S. 2005. The Sicilian         projections for the future. Quaternary
phanerophytes: still a noteworthy                   International, 232(1-2): 250-257.
patrimony, soon a lost resource? In:
Marchetti M. (ed.) Monitoring and                   Lo Cascio, P., Pasta, S. 2004. Il patrimonio
indicators of forest biodiversity in Europe         biologico delle Isole Eolie: dalla conoscenza
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Conference (Florence, 15 November 2003),            s. 4, 28(1): 457-476.

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