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Type:—Not designated.
                Compiled by:—N.G. Passalacqua

            Knautia persicina  A.Kern., Sched.  Fl. Exs.  Austro–Hung.  6: 99( – 100). 1893.  [after September 1893]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Ad confines  Tiroliae australis et Venetiae.  In pascuis „Malera“ montium Lessinensium;
            1600–1700  s. m; solo calcareo.”. VEN
                Type:—Not designated.
                Compiled by:—G. Galasso, E. Banfi

            Koeleria lucana  Brullo, Giusso & Miniss.,  Pl. Biosystems 143(1): 156 (159, figs. 2f, 3f, 4f, 5f, 6f, map).
            2009. [March 2009]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Basilicata, Marsico Nuovo (presso M.te Marruggio)”. BAS
                Type:—ITALY.  Basilicata, Marsico Nuovo (presso M.te Marruggio), 3 June  2003,  Brullo, Giusso  et
            Sciandrello s.n. (holotype, CAT).
                Compiled by:—G. Galasso, E. Banfi

            Koeleria splendens C.Presl, Cyper. Gram. Sicul.: 34. 1820.
            ≡ Koeleria cristata var. splendens (C. Presl) Halácsy, Consp. Fl. Graec. 3: 377. 1904.
                Ind. Loc.:—“Montis Cozzo del Pino Nebrodum”. SIC
                Type  (lectotype designated  by Brullo  et al. 2009b:  142):—ITALY.  mons Cozzo del  Pino, Nebrodum,
            1817, C. Presl s.n. (PRC).
                Compiled by:—G. Domina

            Lactuca longidentata Moris, Stirp. Sard. Elench. app.: [3]. 1828.
                Ind. Loc.:—“Habitat in rupestribus calcareis montis albo Siniscola, et Gartellì”. SAR
                Type (lectotype designated by Arrigoni 1980: 251):—ITALY. in calcareis rupestribus Siniscola, May, s.d.,
            Moris s.n. (TO).
                Note:—The protologue publication lacks pagination.
                Compiled by:—A. Brunu, I. Camarda

            Lamium corsicum Godr. & Gren., Fl. France 2(2): 679. 1853. [1852 publ. early 1853]
            ≡ Lamium garganicum subsp. corsicum (Godr. & Gren.) Arcang., Comp. Fl. Ital., ed. 2: 439 (1894)
                Ind. Loc.:—“Corse. Sommet du monte Cinto dans le Niolo (Bernard)”. COR
                Type:—Not designated.
                Compiled by:—A. Brunu, L. Peruzzi, I. Camarda

            Cirsium microcephalum Moris, Fl. Sardoa 2: 466(–467). 1840–1843.
            ≡ Cnicus microcephalus (Moris) Bertol., Fl. Ital. 9: 36. 1853. ≡ Lamyropsis microcephala  (Moris) Dittrich &
            Greuter, Exsicc. Genav: 47. 1972.
                Ind. Loc.:—“In apricis montis Gennargentu, ad 1800, circiter, metra supra maris superficiem”. SAR
                Type  (lectotype  designated  by Greuter  &  Dittrich 1973: 87–88):—ITALY. in apricis summi montis
            Gennargentu, July, Moris s.n. (TO).
                Compiled by:—A. Brunu, G. Vacca, I. Camarda

            Laserpitium nitidum  Zanted.,  Comment. Ateneo Brescia 1813, 1814,  1815: 89( – 90,  fig. 2). 1818.
                Ind. Loc.:—“Habitat in rupibus Fronden (Mons est Vallis Sabbiae in limitibus ditionis Collei)”. LOM
                Type:—Not designated.
                Compiled by:—G. Galasso, E. Banfi

            Laserpitium siculum Spreng., Syst. Veg. (ed. 16) 1: 918. 1824. [late 1824]
            ≡  Laserpitium garganicum subsp.  siculum  (Spreng.) Pignatti, Giorn. Bot.  Ital. 111(1–2):  48.  1977.  ≡
            Laserpitium siler subsp.  siculum (Spreng.) Santangelo,  F.Conti &  Gubellini  in Conti, Abbate, Alessandrini &
            Blasi, Annot. Checkl. Italian Vasc. Fl. 20. 2005.

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