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Leopoldia gussonei Parl., Fl. Ital. 2(2): 498. 1857. [late 1857]
≡ Muscari gussonei (Parl.) Nyman, Syll. Fl. Europ. Suppl.: 65. 1865. ≡ Muscari gussonei (Parl.) Tod., Index
Seminum 1872: 58. 1872. isonym ≡ Muscari gussonei Tod. ex Nyman, Consp. Fl. Eur. 4: 734. 1882.
Ind. Loc.:—“Costa meridionale della Sicilia da Terranova a Capo Passero”. SIC
Type:—Not designated.
Note:—According to Art. 60.7 of ICN the spelling of the specific epithet originally published as “Gussonii” is
to be corrected in “gussonei”.
Compiled by:—C. Salmeri, S. Brullo
Myosotis decumbens subsp. florentina Grau, Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml. München 8(1): 130(–133, figs. 3b, 4b).
1970. [20 March 1970]
≡ Myosotis florentina (Grau ) O.D.Nikif., Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 86(12): 81. 2001.
Ind. Loc.:—“Etruria, prov. di Firenze, Vallombrosa, in silvis umbrosis, alt. 900–1400 m, solo pingui,
vulgatissima”. TOS
Type:—ITALY. Etruria, prov. di Firenze, Vallombrosa, in silvis umbrosis, alt. 900–1400 m, solo pingui,
vulgatissima, 8 June 1904, Fiori, Béguinot et Pampanini 136 (holotype, M).
Compiled by:—F. Selvi
Myosotis graui Selvi, Taxon 58(2): 625 (fig. 9 on–line). 2009. [28 May 2009]
Ind. Loc.:—“Majella, tra Campo di Giove e Monte Amaro”. ABR
Type:—ITALY. Majella, tra Campo di Giove e Monte Amaro, 21 July 1911, Vaccari s.n. (holotype, FI).
Compiled by:—F. Selvi
Myosotis soleirolii Godr. in Gren. & Godr., Fl. France 2(2): 534. 1853. [1852 publ. early 1853]
≡ Myosotis pyrenaica subsp. soleirolii (Gren. & Godr.) Nyman, Consp. Fl. Eur.: 519. 1881. ≡ Myosotis sylvatica
subsp. soleirolii (Gren. & Godr.) P.Fourn., Quatre Fl. France: 738. 1937.
Ind. Loc.:—“du Monte–Rotundo”. COR
Type:—Not designated.
Note:—The basionym’s author is attributed based on general index at end of the book (Arts. 46.8 and 37.5 of
ICN). Original material in FI-WEBB.
Compiled by:—A. Brunu, L. Peruzzi, I. Camarda
Myosotis elongata Strobl, Flora 67(33): 635(–636). 1884. [21 November 1884]
≡ Myosotis sylvatica subsp. elongata (Strobl) Grau, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 111: 574. 1964.
Ind. Loc.:—“in pascuis montosis elatioribus; Busambra, Madonie, Monte di Cammarata, Gibilmessa presso
Monregale” [Gussone 1827: 206]. SIC
Type:—Not designated.
Note:—This name is validated by reference to the description of Myosotis lithospermifolia sensu
Gussone (1827: 206).
Compiled by:—F. Selvi, L. Peruzzi
Myosotis humilis Tineo ex Lojac., Fl. Sicul. 2(2): 84. 1907. nom. illeg.
≡ Myosotis tineoi C.Brullo & Brullo, Gruppi Crit. Fl. Ital. 44. 2009.
Ind. Loc.:—“In luoghi aquosi. Militello v. di Noto a Bellaprima Tin.! (auth.)”. SIC
Type:—Not designated.
Compiled by:—L. Peruzzi, F. Selvi
Chrysanthemum perpusillum Loisel., J. Bot. (Desvaux) 2(6): 369(–370, pl. 13 fig. 3). 1809. [September 1809]
≡ Nananthea perpusilla (Loisel.) DC., Prodr. 6: 45. 1838.
Ind. Loc.:—“dans les petites îles Sanguinaires, voisines d’Ajaccio en Corse”. COR
Type (lectotype designated by Corrias 1977b: 43):—FRANCE. Corsica. aux îles Sanguinaires (Sanguinero?)
depend. de la Corse, par Lasalle, s.d., M. Desfontaines s.n. (AV).
NAMES OF VASCULAR PLANTS ENDEMIC TO ITALY Phytotaxa 196 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press • 135