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Compiled by:—L. Peruzzi

            Stachys italica Mill., Gard. Dict., ed. 8.: STACHYS n° 3. 1768. [16 April 1768]
            ≡ Stachys germanica subsp. italica (Mill.) Briq., Lab. Alp. Mar.:  222. 1893. ≡ Stachys germanica var. italica
            (Mill.) Briq.,  Lab. Alp. Mar.:  224. 1893. ≡ Sideritis italica  (Mill.) Greuter &  Burdet, Willdenowia 15(1): 78.
                Ind. Loc.:—none. [ITA]
                Type (lectotype designated by Lacaita 1922: 190–191):—ITALY. Stachys minor italica C.B.P. 236.  Stachys
            Dod. Pempt.  90.  Stachys folio candicante, densiore, non  serrato, minor Fl.  Oxon. 3.381, s.d., Houston s.n.
                Compiled by:—M. Villani

            Stachys recta subsp. tenoreana Bornm., Magyar Bot. Lapok 33: 81(–82, 79–83). 1934. [30 December 1934] nom.
            ≡ Stachys tenoreana Bornm., Magyar Bot. Lapok 33: 81(–82, 79–83). 1934. [30 December 1934] nom. altern.
                Ind. Loc.:—“Insula  Capri:  In rupestribus dumosis maritimis  prope Punta  Tragara, necnon  in macchiis
            herbidis versus Anacapri”. CAM
                Type:—Not designated.
                Note:—Stachys tenoreana and  Stachys recta subsp.  tenoreana  are alternative names, validly  published
            simultaneously (Art. 36.2 of ICN). Original material in B.
                Compiled by:—A. Santangelo, A. Stinca

            Stachys salisii Jord. & Fourr., Brev. Pl. Nov. 2: 92(–93). 1868. [last months 1868]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Hab. in Corsica, la Trinitè prope Bonifacio”. COR
                Type  (lectotype  designated by  Borzatti de Loewenstern & Mannocci  2008: 4):—FRANCE. Corsica.
            Monte della Trinità prope Bonifacio, May 1829, Salis s.n. (ZT).
                Compiled by:—A. Brunu, I. Camarda

            Stellaria media subsp. romana Bég., Ric. Stellaria Media Stud. Monogr. 3(1): 7. 1920.
                Ind. Loc.:—“Roma alla Villa Umberto I (Borghese) presso l’Istituto internazionale di Agricoltura”.
                Type:—Not designated.
                Compiled by:—M. Iberite, D. Iamonico

            Stipa martinovskyi Moraldo, Webbia 37(1): 25(–28, 23–28, fig. 2, tab. 1, map). 1983. [29 December 1983] nom.
            ≡ Stipa aquilana Moraldo in Conti, Abbate, Alessandrini & Blasi, Annot. Checklist Ital. Vasc. Fl.: 22. 2005.
                Ind. Loc.:—“gramineti rupestri esposti a Sud sopra l’abitato di Arischia (L’Aquila) a quota 1000 m s.l.m.,
            nel Gruppo del Gran Sasso d’Italia: Monte S. Franco”. ABR
                Type:—ITALY. gramineti rupestri  esposti a Sud  sopra l’abitato di  Arischia (L’Aquila)  a  quota 1000 m
            s.l.m., nel Gruppo del Gran Sasso d’Italia: Monte S. Franco, 24 July 1981, B. Moraldo s.n. (holotype, FI).
                Compiled by:—G. Barberis

            Stipa austroitalica  Martinovský, Webbia 20(2): 723 (721–724, 734, figs. 6, 7.4,  14). 1965.  [20 December
            1965] subsp. austroitalica
                Ind. Loc.:—“Monte Gargano, loco Rodi Ceppe di Ceccatole dicto”. PUG
                Type:—ITALY. Italia. Puglia, M.Gargano a Rodi, Coppe di Ceccatole, calcare, 150 m, 24 May 1913, Fiori
            s.n. (holotype, FI).
                Note:—The correct toponym indication is “Coppe”, not “Ceppe” as wrongly reported in the protologue.
                Compiled by:—G. Barberis

            Stipa pennata [Rasse] appendiculata Čelak., Oesterr. Bot. Z. 33(10): 319. (318–319). 1883. [October 1883]
            ≡ Stipa austroitalica var. appendiculata (Čelak.) Martinovský, Webbia 20(2): 724. 1965. ≡ Stipa austroitalica
            subsp. appendiculata (Čelak.) Moraldo, Webbia 40(2): 254. 1986.

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