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Note:—Epithet commemorating Francesco Cupani, originally published as “Cupani”, to be corrected in
“cupanii” (Art. 60.7 of ICN). An earlier Gussone’s name (Fl. Sic. Prodr., 1: 548 (547–548). 1827
[October–December 1827].) is invalid because provisional (Art. 36.1 of ICN).
Compiled by:—A. Santangelo, A. Croce, G. Domina
Euphorbia semiperfoliata Viv., Fl. Cors. Prodr.: 7. 1824. [15 September 1824]
≡ Tithymalus semiperfoliatus (Viv.) Klotzsch & Garcke, Abh. Königl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1859: 95. 1860. ≡
Euphorbia amygdaloides var. semiperfoliata (Viv.) Fiori in Fiori & Bég., Fl. Italia 2(2): 289. 1901. ≡ Euphorbia
amygdaloides subsp. semiperfoliata (Viv.) Radcl.–Sm., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 79: 65. 1968. ≡
Tithymalus amygdaloides subsp. semiperfoliatus (Viv.) Soják, Cas. Nár. Mus., Odd. Prír. 140: 170. 1972.
Ind. Loc.:—“H. in Corsicâ alla Trinità”. COR
Type (lectotype designated by Valsecchi 1979: 334):—FRANCE. Corsica. Corsica, 1824, Viviani s.n.
Compiled by:—A. Brunu, I. Camarda
Euphorbia variabilis Ces., Bibliot. Ital. (Milan) 91(sep): 348. 1838. [September 1838]
≡ Tithymalus variabilis (Ces.) Klotzsch & Garcke, Abh. Königl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1859: 90. 1860. ≡
Euphorbia gayi var. variabilis (Ces.) Fiori in Fiori & Bég., Fl. Italia 2(2): 287. 1901.
Ind. Loc.:—“In montibus ad Larium lacum abunde crescit.”. LOM
Type:—Not designated.
Compiled by:—G. Galasso, E. Banfi
Euphrasia salisburgensis [micromorphe] corsica Chabert, Bull. Herb. Boissier s. 2, 2(6): 513(–514). 1902. [31
May 1902]
≡ Euphrasia nemorosa [race] nana Rouy, Fl. France 11: 154. 1909. ≡ Euphrasia nana (Rouy) Prain Index Kew.
Suppl. 4: 88. 1913. ≡ Euphrasia salisburgensis subsp. corsica (Chabert) Gamisans, Candollea 38(1): 229. 1983.
Ind. Loc.:—“Hab. les pàturages des hautes montagnes de la Corse: mont Renoso (Kralik, Reverchon); mont
Rotundo (A. Chabert, Orzeszko); mont Cinto, Lac de Nino, Lago Maggiore, Capo al Bordato, Piano di Torri
Corscia, Capo Bacciosa, Capo Bianco (Audigier); mont Renoso à la Cagnone, à Vita l’acqua (Revelière)”. COR
Type (lectotype designated by Jeanmonod in Jeanmonod & Gamisans 1992: 51):—FRANCE. Corsica.
Euphrasia salisburgensis Hoppe/ var. pumila Coss./ Paturages des hautes montagnes/ Mt. Renoso, 2 August 1849,
L. Kralik 710a (G).
Note:—Some author distinguish the populations from Sardinia as E. genargentea (Feoli) Diana Corrias.
However, we follow here Jeanmonod & Gamisans (2007), who regard these taxa as heterotypic synonyms.
Compiled by:—M. Villani, G. Galasso
Euphrasia tricuspidata L., Sp. Pl. 2: 604. 1753. [1 May 1753] subsp. tricuspidata
Ind. Loc.:—“Habitat in Italia”. ITA
Type (lectotype designated by Vitek et al. 2007: 273):—ITALY. “Eufragia sassatile con foglie larghe
lanceolate”, Zanoni, Rar. Stirp. Hist.: t. 76 (1742). Epitype (desjgnated by Vitek et al. 2007: 273): Flora Exsiccata
Austro–Hungarica 143 (BM, uppermost, richly branched specimen).
Note: After the lectotype designation, the type locality can be restricted to Veneto [“in locis asperis, ac
lapidosis montis Baldi conspexit Zanonius, prope sacras aedes S. Mariae, quibus a corona nomen est, autumno
florentem”], Zanoni, Rar. Stirp. Hist.: 110 (1742).
Compiled by:—L. Peruzzi
Ferula arrigonii Bocchieri, Boll. Soc. Sarda Sci. Nat. 26: 309(–310, fig. 2). 1988. [20 December 1988]
Ind. Loc.:—“Isola Serpentara, comune tra la macchia”. SAR
Type:—ITALY. Isola Serpentara, comune tra la macchia, E. Bocchieri, 15 June 1986, Bocchieri s.n.
(holotype, CAG).
Compiled by:—A. Brunu, I. Camarda
NAMES OF VASCULAR PLANTS ENDEMIC TO ITALY Phytotaxa 196 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press • 79