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Type:—ITALY. Cuglieri: pianoro roccioso a Badde Urbara, 25 July 1974, Valsecchi s.n. (holotype, SASSA).
                Compiled by:—A. Brunu, I. Camarda

            Genista ephedroides DC., Prodr. 2: 147. 1825. [mid November 1825]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Ad littora maris in Sardinia”. SAR
                Type  (lectotype designated by  Valsecchi 1986a: 198):—ITALY. Longo Sarda. Sardaigne, 1824, Soleirol
            s.n. (G-DC).
                Compiled by:—A. Brunu, I. Camarda

            Spartium etnense Raf., Specchio Sci. 1(1): 17(–18). 1814. [1 January 1814]
            ≡ Genista etnensis (Raf.) DC., Prodr. 2: 150. 1825.
                Ind. Loc.:—“Questo piccolo Albero nasce alle falde orientali, e settentrionali del Mongibello, l’ho ritrovato
            vicino a Milli, Piemonte, Linguagrossa”. SIC
                Type (neotype designated by Valsecchi 1993: 803):—ITALY. Aetna, 1842, Bivona Bernardi s.n. (FI).
                Note:—Epithet originally published as “etnensis”, to be corrected in “etnense” (Art. 23.5 of ICN).
                Compiled by:—A. Brunu, I. Camarda

            Spartium gasparrinii Guss., Ind. Sem. Hort. Boccadifalco: 11. 1825.
            ≡ Genista gasparrinii (Guss.) C.Presl, Fl. Sicul.: XXI. 1826.
                Ind. Loc.:—none.
                Type (lectotype designated by Valsecchi 1993: 810):—ITALY. asperis et rupibus calcareis, Sferracavallo,
            s.d., Gussone s.n. (NAP).
                Note:—After the lectotype designation, the type locality can be identified as Sferracavllo (Sicily).
                Compiled by:—A. Santangelo, A. Croce, G. Domina

            Genista insularis  subsp.  fodinae Bacch., Brullo  & Feoli  Chiapella, Novon 21(1):  14(–15,  6,  figs. 1.3, 3.4).
            2011. [7 April 2011]
                Ind. Loc.:—“(Italy, Sardinia:) Sardegna, Monte Conca S’Omu, Fluminimaggiore (CA)”. SAR
                Type:—ITALY. Sardegna,  Monte  Conca  s’Omu, Fluminimaggiore (CA), 6 June 2002,  G. Bacchetta, S.
            Brullo, M. Casti et G. Giusso s.n. (holotype, CAT).
                Compiled by:—A. Brunu, I. Camarda

            Genista insularis  Bacch., Brullo  & Feoli Chiapella, Novon 21(1):  13(–14, 6, figs. 1.5, 3.3). 2011. [7 April
            2011] subsp. insularis
                Ind. Loc.:—“(Italy. Sardinia:) Sardegna, Domus de Maria (CA)”. SAR
                Type:—ITALY. Sardegna, Domus de Maria (CA), 7 June 2002, G. Bacchetta, S. Brullo et G. Giusso s.n.
            (holotype, CAT).
                Compiled by:—A. Brunu, I. Camarda

            Genista madoniensis Raimondo, Fl. Medit. 9: 319(–322, figs. 1–3). 1999. [30 December 1999]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Ficaricchia between Gratteri and Lascari (Palermo)”. SIC
                Type:—ITALY. Madonie Mts, Ficaricchia between Gratteri and Lascari, 13 57 E, 37 58 N, 300 m, 24 April
            1996, Raimondo et Certa s.n. (PAL).
                Compiled by:—G. Domina

            Genista michelii Spach, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. s. 3, 2: 259(–260). 1844.
            ≡ Genista hirsuta  Ten.  Fl. Napol. 2: 130. 1820. [non Vahl.] ≡ Genista dalmatica Ten. Syll. Pl. Fl. Neapol. 344.
            1831. [non Bartl.].
                Ind. Loc.:—“Crescit in monte Gargano”. PUG
                Type:—Not designated.
                Compiled by:—M. Villani

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