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46 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 2002, No. 132

is highly appreciated and used to prepare local dishes. Young          wild plants had in most cases shed their seeds, so it was neces-
leaves and shoots are usually cooked, and are characterizedby a        sary to pick the seeds from the ground. Seed quality can therefore
bitter taste (Branca 1991, 1999, Branca and Iapichino 1997, La         be expected to be very good, since the seeds were mature.
Malfa et al. 1996).
                                                                           Partofmaterial collected willbe divided and deposited in the
Whìte mustard (Sinapis alba L. 'amareddu jancu')                       genebanks ofBari, Gatersleben and Saskatoon for further classifi-
The species is found throughout Sicily, mainly on alluvial soils       cation and characterization. After its multiplication, all the
where it is a very common weed along the road edges. Young             germplasm collected will be ready for distribution to thescien-
leaves and shoots are noted for their bitter taste, which is reduced   tists. The seeds and the detailed passport information of all
after boiling,and are commonly used inomelettes (Branca 1991).         accessions, including geographical coordinates and local names,
                                                                       will be available to the public. The Internet sites of IG, IPK and
                                                                       PGRC (GRIN-CA) will contain this information and the future
                                                                       characterization data.

WìldBrassica specìes (n=9)                                             Acknowledgements
These species represent part of the primary gene pool of B.            The financial support and assistance of 'Fondi Strutturali 1994-
oleracea, and their hydrids with Brassica crops show a good fertility  99.Obiettivo l, P.O.MURST-cNR' and 'BRASCO' Projects are
(Bothmer et al. 1995). Their taxonomy was recently revised by          gratefully acknowledged.
Snogerup et al. (1990) andby Raimondo et al. (1991).The former
research team individuated a B. rupestris group formed by B.               We wish also to express a special gratitude to ourlocalguide
rupestris Rafin., B.villosa Biv., B. incana Ten. and B. macrocarpa     MrGiuseppe Guarrasi of Favignana. Only thanks to his extraor-
Guss., while the latter one assigned ali of them the taxonomic         dinary helpfulness was it possible to obtain a good understand-
status ofspecies together with B.drepanensis, B. tinei Lojac. and B.   ing of local agriculture, nature and history of the Egadi islands.
bivoniana Mazzola et Raimondo. None of these species are used          Mr Guarrasi guided us to ali the farms stili active on the
directly for food, but in different zones ofSicily, it is well known   Favignana island, rendering the detection of relevant sites for
that when wild and cultivated Brassicas grow in the same area,         collection much more efficient.
they often hybridize, producing very specific cultivated types
usually maintained by growers. Becauseof this great variability            Finally, the collecting team is particularlygrateful to the local
and the presence of supposedly primitive characters (e.g.leaf          farmers on the Egadi islands, who shared their knowledge and
shape and hairiness, fruit length and position, or presence of         many oftheirseeds, and whohavepreserved the localgermplasm
seeds in the beek) it has been suggested thatSicilyis the cradle of    in spite of unfavourable economie conditions during the recent
these wild Brassicaspecies (Gomez-campoand Gustafsson1991).            years.

Conclusions and future perspectives                                    References
The sudden disapperance of agriculture on all Egadi islands is a
striking example of how genetic diversityin the on-farm sector is      Bertolino F. 1988. Indagine sugli usi tradizionali delle piante
sensitive to laws or regulations affecting agricultural economies.         dell'isola di Favignana (Egadi). Graduation thesis, University
Farming on these islands relied to a large extenton local varieties,       of Studies of Palermo, Italy.
landracesofcereals, vegetablesand herbs. Withinafew yearsallthe
autochthonous crop genetic diversitywill belost completely. The        Bothmer R von, Gustafsson M, Snogerup S. 1995. Brassica sect.
dramatic genetic erosion observed here clearly demonstrates the            Brassica (Brassicaceae). II. Inter- and intraspecific crosses with
necessity to collectinsular plantgermplasmand to preserveitinex            cultivars of B. o/eracea. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution
situ collections;on-farm conservationmay help tosafeguardit, but           42:165-178.
some practicalproblems have tobesolved (Harnmer etal. 1997).
                                                                       Boukema IW. 1995. Taxonomic grouping to be used in the Euro-
    Thealready provenuse ofMediterraneancrop germplasm for                 pean database. ECP/GR-IPGRI Report of a working group on
Canadian oat breeding suggests further collectingexpeditions in            Brassica,8-14, IPGRI, Rome.
Italy for ex-situ preservation. The recently collected Avena
germplasm willbe carefully characterizedand contribute to bet-         Branca F. 1991. Studi su specie erbacee della flora spontanea di
ter understanding of the genepools of wildoats.
                                                                           interesse alimentare. Doctoral thesis, University of Catania.
    Additional data and details about the present collecting           Branca F. 1998a. Il processo di germinazione di due specie
mission are reported in the exploration registers stored c/o
Istituto del Germoplasma.                                                  spontanee di interesse ornamentale: Centranthus ruber DC. e
                                                                           Euphorbia characias L. Sementi Elette XLIV(3-4):25-30.
Availability of germplasm
The summer in Italy was exceptionally hot. The hot, dry season         Branca F. 1998b. Caratterizzazione di tipi di cavolfiore violetto.
resulted in early maturity of several species, and the targetted           Proceedings of the "IV Giornate Scientifiche SOl", pp. 79-80.

                                                                       Branca F. 1999. Caratteristiche delle bacche in tipi locali di
                                                                           pomodoro da serbo. Sementi Elette XLV:17-22.

                                                                       Branca F. 2000. Valutazione di cultivar locali di cavolfiore
                                                                           violetto. Workshop "Risultati del primo anno di attività del

                                                                           Piano Nazionale di Ricerca per l'Orticoltura del Mipa",
                                                                           Sirmione, 2000 March 29, pp. 114-115.
                                                                       Branca F, Iapichino G. 1997. Some wild and cultivated Brassicaceae
                                                                           exploited in Sicily as vegetables. FAO/ IPGRI Plant Genetic

                                                                           Resources Newsletter 110:22- 28.
                                                                       Branca F, Pulvirenti A. 1998. Adattabilità di Centranthus ruber

                                                                           alla coltivazione per vaso fiorito. Proceedings of the "IV
                                                                            Giornate Scientifiche SOl", pp. 223- 224.
                                                                       Brullo S, Marcenò C. 1982. Osservazioni fitosociologiche sull'isola
                                                                            di Marettimo (Arcipelago delle Egadi). Catania, Italy. Boll.

                                                                           Ace. Gioenia Sci. Nat., 15(320):201-228.
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