Page 1 - Poster2015
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An	evalua)on	of	Caulerpa	cylindracea	prolifera)on	on	the	

                                                  	marine	ecosystem	of	the	Preveto	islet,	Favignana,	Egadi	MPA,	Italy
                                                             1.	Dipar?mento	di	Scienze	della	Vita	e	dell’Ambiente	-	Università	Politecnica	delle	Marche	


Caulerpa	cylindracea	(Caulerpaceae)	is	a	tropical	algae,	which	is	invasive	in	the	Mediterranean	Sea.	The	observed	consenquences	of	the	C.	cylindracea	

invasion	involve	changes	in	the	environmental	condi?ons,	in	the	marine	landscape	and	in	the	structure	of	the	benthic	communi?es	(Klein	et	Verlaque,	

2008).		Posidonia	oceanica	is		a	marine	phanerogam	endemic	in	the	Mediterranean	Sea.	Its	meadows	are	able	to	structure	the	marine	landscape	and	are	

responsible	for	many	important	ecosystem	services	like	their	contribu?on	to	primary	produc?on,	(Pergent	et	al.,	1994),	reducing	par?cle	resuspension	

(Terrados,	2000)	and	as	a	nursery	for	the	juveniles	of	many	fish	species	(Kalogirou	et	al.,	2010).	These	are	some	of	the	reasons	why	P.	oceanica	is	

considered	a	species	to	protect	(AOachment	1,	DireQva	Habitat).	The	Egadi	MPA	is	the	widest	MPA	in	Europe	and	its	P.	oceanica	meadow	is	one	of	the	

largest	in	the	Mediterranean	Sea.		


                                                                                                       The	aim	of	our	study	was	to	monitor	the	distribu?on	and	abundancy	of	C.	cylindracea,	in	rela?on	to	the	

                                                                                                       P.	oceanica	meadow.	We	tried	to	evaluate	the	nature	of	the	interac?on	between	C.	cylindracea	and	

                                                                                                       P.	oceanica,	which	could	have	important	consequences	on	the	trophic	net	of	the	area.		

                                                                                                       MATERIALS	AND	METHODS	

                                                                                                       13	Point	Intercept	Transects		(50m	each)	were	conducted	within	the	C	zone,	near	the	island	of	Favignana,	

                                                                                                       along	the	Preveto	small	island	perimeter.	We	used	reels	with	metered	tape	and	the	presence	of	P.	oceanica	

                                                                                                       and	C.	cylindracea	was	registered	meter	by	meter,	along	with	informa?on	about	depth	and	substrate	typology.	

                                    0	 Every	transect	was	georeferenced	with	a	waterproof	GPS	device,	at	meters	1	and	50.	

Depth(m)	             -2	

                      -4	 RESULTS	


                      -8	 Geomorphological	profiles	enabled	us	to	obtain	data	regarding	the	nature	of	the	sea	floor	and	its	inclina?on.	

         -10	                                                                                          The	graph	on	the	lef	shows	an	example	of	one	of	these	profiles	with	P.	oceanica	and	C.	cylindrace	added	at	

         -14	                                                                                          each	depth.	The	sea	floor	is	divided	into	a	rocky	por?on	and	another	part	covered	by	stones.	

-18	                                                                                                   The	overlapping	points	between	the	two	species	are	circled	in	red.		

                                               Geomorphological	profile	(transect	n°10)	

                                                                                                                                                                                           C.	cylindracea/	P.	oceanica	

1.	Considering	the	ra?o	between	the	frequency	of	C.	cylindracea	and	P.	oceanica,	a	difference	emerged	between	the	northern	sheltered	side	and	                                       2	

the	southern	exposed	one,	which	consists	of	a	major	presence	of	C.	cylindracea	on	the	exposed	part	compared	to	the	sheltered	one.	                                                C/P	 1	

                               Rela)on	between	P.	oceanica	and	type	of	substrate	                                                                                                 0,5	

                      100%	                                                                        2.	Taking	into	account	the	frequency	of	P.	oceanica	and	C.	cylindracea	        0	 Interno																Esterno	

Substrate	frequency	  	90%	                                                                        depending	on	the	type	of	substrate,	a	clear	paOern	showed	that	

                       80%	 Rock                                                                   P.	oceanica	is	much	more	common	on	sof	boOoms.	Conversely,	it	is	less	

                       70%	                                                                        present	on	rocky	boOoms.		
                                                                                                   This	rela?on	proved	to	be	highly	significant	(χ12=	130.61	>>	6.63;	P	<	0.01).	
                                    60%	                                                           A	similar	paOern	has	not	been	observed	in	C.	cylindracea,	which	is	                        	      Hard	BoWom	 SoV	BoWom	

                                    50%	                                                           therefore	less	influenced	by	the	substrate,	when	compared	to	P.	oceanica.		     	Total	substrate	
                                                                                                                                                                                  	Substrate	with	
                                    40%	 Stones	                                                                                                                                  P.	oceanica	       256	 394	
                                                                                                                                                                                  	%		P.	oceanica	
                                    30%	                                                                                                                                                             86	 310	


                                    10%	          Sand	                                                                                                                                              34%	                79%	

                                     0%	       10%	 20%	 30%	 40%	 50%	 60%	 70%	 80%	 90%	 100%	
                                                                     P.	oceanica	frequency	

3.	Sta?s?cal	analysis	conducted	on	our	data	showed	a	nega?ve	correla?on	between	                       4.	The	graph	above	underlines	the	rela?onship	between	the		slope	of	the	marine	
                                                                                                       boOom	and	the	frequency	of	P.	oceanica	(ρs	|0.633		>	0.481|	;	13	DOF,	P	>	0.05)	and	
C.	Cylindracea	and	P.	oceanica.	the	correla?on	proved	to	be	non	significant	when	we	                    C.	cylindracea	(ρs	|0.382	<	0.481|	;	13	DOF,	P	>	0.05).	Higher	inclina?on	values	are	related	
                                                                                                       to	a	reduc?on	of	P.	oceanica	and	to	an	increase	in	the	abundancy	of	C.	cylindracea.		
considered	all	the	available	transects	(ρs	|0.444	<	0.481|	;	13	DOF,	P	>	0.05),	but	sta?s?cally	

significant	when	only	the	sof	boOoms	were	taken	into	account	(ρs	|0.662		>	0.535|;	11	DOF;	P	<<	                                                         Slope	effect	
                                                                                                                                          P.	oceanica	
[ρs=	Spearman	coefficient;	DOF=	Degrees	Of	Freedom;	P=	confidence	level]	
                                                                                                                                          C.	cylindracea	
C.	cylindracea	frequency	(meters)	  18	                     Caulerpa/Posidonia:	soV	boWoms	            Frequency	  100%	
                                    16	                                                                             90%	       10	 20	 30	 40	 50	 60	
                                    14	        5	 10	 15	 20	 25	 30	 35	 40	 45	 50	                               80%	
                                    12	                                                                             70%	                              Sea	floor	inclina)on	(Degrees)	
                                    10	                               P.	Oceanica	frequency	(meters)	               60%	
                                     8	                                                                             40%	
                                     6	                                                                             30%	
                                     4	                                                                             20%	
                                     2	                                                                             10%	
                                     0	                                                                               0%	

Our	results	show	that	P.	oceanica	can	be	quite	selec?ve	about	the	nature	of	the	substrate	and	the	inclina?on	of	the	sea	floor.	While	the	medow	is	generally	very	healthy.	This	natural	
selec?veness	could	make	it	poten?ally	more	sensi?ve	to	different	kinds	of	impacts.	This	paOern	was	not	found	with	C.	cylindracea,	whose	growth	shows	no	correla?on	either	with	the	inclina?on	
level	or	with	the	type	of	substrate.	This	makes	us	assume	that	the	allochthonous	alga	may	be	less	selec?ve,	compared	to	the	phanerogam,	regarding	the	nature	of	the	substrate.	Finally,	we	
found	that,	where	P.	oceanica	was	abundant,	C.	cylindracea	was	less	so	and	vice	versa,	which	allows	us	hypothesize	a	possible	inhibi?on	effect.	This	study	underlines	the	importance	of	the	
conserva?on	of		P.	oceanica,	due	to	its	poten?al	ability	to	exert	control	over	the	prolifera?on	of	C.	cylindracea.	The	large	number	of	boats	in	Favignana	during	the	summer	season,	along	with	the	
rela?ve	increase	of	anchoring	events	per	day,		emphasize	the	importance	of	the	MPA	existence.	The	Egadi	MPA	is	therefore	vital	to	manage	such	a	strong	anthropic	presence	and	to	protect	this	
unique	ecosystem.	We	would	like	to	thank	all	the	staff	of	the	MPA	for	their	support	which	made	this	work	possible.