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45° Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Marina
                                                                   Venezia, 19-23 maggio 2014

                        taxa, with a large dominance of members from the classes of Alphaproteobacteria and
                        Gammaproteobacteria,  including  several  marine  taxa  as  Oceanosprillales,
                        Halomonadaceae, and Erytrobacteriaceae (Fig. 1).

                        Fig. 1 - Representation of the taxonomic composition of Proteobacteria in Sardinian sandy beaches.
                             The different Proteobacteria classes, orders, and families are reported.
                             Rappresentazione della composizione tassonomica dei Proteobacteria nelle spiagge sarde
                             con indicate le famiglie, ordini e classi di Proteobacteria identificati.

                        Conclusions  -  A  seasonal  pattern  in  the  levels  of  biodiversity  was  detected,  with  a
                        sharp increase in taxonomic richness values in the spring season and a decline during
                        late summer/autumn, possibly due to corresponding fluctuations of organic carbon in
                        the  sediments  in  relation  to  winter  and  spring  storms.  Concerning  the  taxonomic
                        composition,  presence  of  a  large  fraction  of  bacterial  taxa  related  to  the  marine
                        environment was found, as well as of ammonia oxidizing taxa, as was already detected
                        for supralittoral sediments of Favignana Island (Bacci et al., in press). Further analyses
                        are needed to analyze the taxa most affected in relation to the seasonal change and
                        define the functional activities carried out by the sandy beach microbiome.

                        BACCI  G.,  PAGOTO  E.,  PASSAPONTI  M.,  VANNOCCI  P.,  UGOLINI  A.,  MENGONI  A.  (in
                        press)  -  Composition  of  supralittoral  sediments  bacterial  communities  in  a  Mediterranean  island.
                        Annals of Microbiology.
                        MENGONI  A.,  FOCARDI  A.,  BACCI  G.,  UGOLINI  A.  (2013)  -  High  genetic  diversity  and
                        variability  of  bacterial  communities  associated  with  the  sandhopper  Talitrus  saltator  (Montagu)
                        (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Estuar. Coast. Shelf S., 131: 75-82.
                        MENGONI  A.,  GIUNTINI  E.,  BAZZICALUPO  M.  (2007)  -  Application  of  Terminal-Restriction
                        Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP) for Molecular Analysis of Soil Bacterial Communities. In:
                        Varma A. (ed), Advanced Techniques in Soil Microbiology. Springer, New-York: 295-305.

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