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web site and the regular issuing and widely distributed monk seal information newsletter in
an adequate number of different languages.
Objective Target Capacity building: the main groups of stakeholders in monk
seal conservation are identified by the MSTF, tailored to each different monk seal
Range State (with first priority given to “Group A Countries” and second priority given
to “Group B Countries”), and training courses are prepared and planned (see Goal
Targets 2.2. and 3.8). Preferably, training events will be developed in situ at selected
locations having special relevance to monk seal conservation, in collaboration with
the local groups, and will be followed by a constant “advice service” or accompanying
process to ensure that full and long-lasting advantage derives from the effort.
Objective Target In order to facilitate collaboration and communication
amongst monk seal conservation experts throughout the region, the MSTF promotes
periodical workshops on best practices of monk seal monitoring and conservation
techniques, preferably taking advantage of other meetings being periodically
organised (e.g., CIESM Congresses, ECS Annual meetings). Proceedings are edited
and widely diffused (e.g., by pdf through the Internet) in formats that will serve as
“best practice guidelines”.
Objective Target Awareness actions are promoted by the MSTF, with first
priority given to “Group A Countries” (with the exception of Greece) and second
priority given to “Group B Countries”, in cooperation with local groups, targeting
special-interest stakeholders such as fishermen and local coastal communities.
Awareness actions, preferably supported through national fundraising efforts, could
be modelled (mutatis mutandis) on the experience of the EC-funded “Thalassa” LIFE+
Information Communication project carried out in Greece in 2010-2013.
Objective Target A website dedicated to monk seal conservation and
information at the regional level is prepared by RAC/SPA in close collaboration with
“The Monachus Guardian” and posted online by the end of 2014.
Objective Target Monk seal newsletter issued twice a year by RAC/SPA in
close collaboration with “The Monachus Guardian”, starting in 2014.
Objective 1.2.3. Monk seal rescue and rehabilitation programmes are planned by the MSTF
and supported in Range States (with priority given to “Group A” countries) through capacity
building and structural and operational funding.
Objective Target The “National Rescue and Information Network” (RINT) in
Greece is supported and strengthened. The construction and operation of a state-of-
the-art rehabilitation facility (operational by 2015) is supported.
Objective Target The national rescue and rehabilitation network called
AFBIKA, to be enhanced and further supported in Turkey, is operational by August
2014. Capacity building programmes with international expert support facilitated by
the MSTF are implemented in 2015.