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Mandibles and molars of the wood mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus (L.)

            Vigne, J.-D. & Alcover, J.A. (1985) Incidences des relations  and shape of mandibular molars in mice. Genetics, 160,
              historiques entre l’homme et l’animal dans la composition  1573–1586.
              actuelle du peuplement amphibien, reptilien et mammalien  Yom-Tov, Y., Yom-Tov, S. & Moller, H. (1999) Competition,
              des ı ˆles de Me ´diterrane ´e occidentale. Actes 110e Congre `s  coexistence, and adaptation amongst rodent invaders to
              Nat. Socie ´te ´s Savantes (Montpellier, 1985), Section Sciences, 2,  Pacific and New Zealand islands. Journal of Biogeography,
              79–81.                                            26, 947–958.
            Vigne, J.-D. & Valladas, H. (1996) Small mammal fossil
              assemblages as indicators of environmental changes in
              Northern Corsica during the last 250 years. Journal of
              Archaeological Science, 23, 199–215.             BIOSKETCHES
            Vigne, J.-D., Cheylan, G., Granjon, L. & Auffray, J.-C. (1993)
              Evolution oste ´ome ´trique de Rattus et de Mus musculus do-  Sabrina Renaud works on the quantification of morpholo-
              mesticus sur de petites ı ˆles: comparaison de populations  gical evolution using morphometric methods, particularly
              me ´die ´vales et actuelles des ı ˆles Lavezzi (Corse) et de Corse.  outline analysis. She combines temporal, palaeontological
              Mammalia, 57, 85–98.                            perspective and spatial, biogeographical studies to investigate
            Vitt, L.J., Caldwell, J.P., Zani, P.A. & Titus, T.A. (1997) The  patterns, processes and key factors involved in the morpho-
              role of habitat shift in the evolution of lizard morphology:  logical response to environmental conditions.
              evidence from tropical Tropidurus. Proceedings of the Na-
                                                              Johan R. Michaux studies phylogeographical patterns of
              tional Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 94,
                                                              various common and threatened mammal species. The study
                                                              of insular syndrome in wood mice has been one of his long-
            Whittaker, R.J. (1998) Island biogeography: ecology, evolution,
                                                              standing interests.
              and conservation. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
            Workman, M.S., Leamy, L.J., Routman, E.J. & Cheverud, J.M.
              (2002) Analysis of quantitative trait locus effects on the size  Editor: Jon Sadler

            Journal of Biogeography 34, 339–355                                                         355
            ª 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
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