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Study of Macrophytes in WFD 2000/60/EC: the response of the adopted indices to

                                                                                                                    anthropogenic pressure along the Italian coast.

                                                                                        Rende F., Bacci T., Gennaro P., Penna M., Trabucco B., Austoni M., Giovanardi F., Cicero A.M.

                                                                                                  ISPRA –Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, Via Vitaliano Brancati 48, Rome, Italy

              INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    CARLIT index

              Angiosperms (i.e. Posidonia oceanica  (L.) Delile) and Macroalgae seem to be reliable bioindicators due to their                                                                                                                                                                                       PREI index

               wide  distribution,  reasonable  size,  sessile  condition,  easy  collection,  abundance  and  sensitivity  to

               modifications of the littoral zone (Boudouresque et al., 2009). All over the world the coastal zone is subject to

               continuous  population growth and  increasing  land use for  agriculture,  industry  and  urban  activities,  which

               generate  the  increase  of  human  impacts  on  shallow  coastal  waters.  These  three  main  drivers  (agriculture,

               industry and urban areas) are considered in the Land Use Simplified Index (LUSI, WFD-CIS phase II, Technical

               paper) that is a specific method to evaluate the anthropogenic pressures influencing a coastal water body (Flo

               et al., 2011). Water Framework Directive (WFD 2000/60/EC) considers Angiosperms and Macroalgae, among

               others, as biological quality elements (BQEs) in the evaluation of the ecological status of coastal water bodies

               (WBs) as regards the pressures insisting on the monitored coastal stretch. By means of the D.M. 260/2010,

               Italy adopts the PREI (Posidonia Rapid Easy Index) (Gobert et al., 2009) and the CARLIT (Cartography Littoral

               Zone) (Ballesteros et al., 2007) indices as the National official classification methods. The aims of this study are

               to show the ecological classification results obtained for the Italian national sites through the P. oceanica and

               Macroalgae BQEs, and to verify the sensitivity of PREI and CARLIT indices as to the anthropogenic pressures,

               by testing a modified pressure indicator, named  Ma - LUSI (Marine LUSI, WFD-CIS phase II, Technical paper),

               which takes into account larger number of pressure drivers than LUSI (see Table 1).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1a                                                                                     1b

               The PREI and CARLIT data managed by "Si.Di.Mar." database in the frame of the National Monitoring Program                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              1b

               (L. 979/82) have been collected during the 2008-2009 biennium in 29 areas (for P.oceanica) and in 25 areas

               (for Macroalgae) within the Italian Seas ( Fig.1a and Fig.1b). Table 1 shows variables considered in the Ma –

               LUSI index, selected by  data source .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Fig 1a. – 29 Italian marine areas classified by PREI index; 1b – 25 Italian marine areas

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       classified  by CARLIT index. (Unofficial Classification )

               Data source: Corine land Cover 2006

               Urban (codes 11)
               Commersial & Industrial (codes 12, 13)                                                                          RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

               Agriculture (codes 21-24)                                                                                       The highest EQR values of PREI and CARLIT stating the High Ecological Status of WBs have been identified in the Marine Protected Areas

               Data source: Google Earth
                                                                                                                               (MPA), which are characterized by no or very low anthropogenic pressures (Fig.1a, Fig.1b and Tab. 2). Differently, the lowest values of PREI

               Confinement Coastline (concave, convex, straight)
               Mariculture                                                                                                     and  CARLIT  have  been  calculated  in  areas  where  there  are  not  optimal  conditions  for  life  of  P.  oceanica  meadows  and  Cystoseira

               Data source: Corine land Cover 2000 Coastline datasets                                                          macroalgae  assemblages  (e.g.  high  degree  of  urbanization,  intensive  industrial  and  agriculture  activities).  The  pressures  and  impacts

               Artificial beaches                                                                                              analysis highlighted a good correlation between the EQRs values of PREI and CARLIT vs the MA-LUSI index, showing a good sensitivity of

               Artificial shoreline
               Coastal embankments for construction purpose                                                                    indices (PREI and CARLIT) vs pressures (Fig. 2a and 2b).

               Harbour areas                                                                                                   Finally GIS analysis selected the lowest pressure areas defined “benchmark sites”: Asinara, Capo Carbonara, Punta Mesco Parco 5 Terre,
               Material subject to erosion
               Coastline made non cohesive sediments                                                                           Carbonifera,  Punta  Tresino,  Maraone-Egadi  Islands  (for  the  Angiosperms  BQE)  and  Montecristo  Island,  Carbonara  (Serpentara  Island),

               Data source: Corine land Cover Population density                                                               Favignana - Maraone Island (for the Macroalgae BQE) (Fig. 3).

               Population density

               Data source: National Monitoring Program  (L.979/82)

               stability of the water column
               Background trophic status                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            “BENCHMARK” SITES EQB ANGIOSPERMS

               Sediment nutrient release

               Data source: SINTAI and ISTAT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Capo Carbonara                                                   Asinara                                           Parco 5 Terre

               Sewage outfall                                                                                                                                              Relationships of  PREI EQR vs LUSI Index
               Irregular Fresh Water inputs                                                                                                         1,00                                                                         y = -0,0397x + 0,7741

                                                                                                                                                    0,90                                                                               R² = 0,6105
               Tab.1 – pressure drivers (direct/indirect) adopted to                                                                                0,80                                                                            p < 0.01

                                                MA – LUSI index                                                                                     0,70

                                                                                                                                                  EQR    0,50

             EQB Angiosperms                                                                                                                        0,40

                Region                    Site name                    Benchmark          LUSI value        EQR value
            Liguria         Cogoleto                                         no                 4               0,63

            Liguria         Punta Mesco - Parco 5 Terre  (MPA)              yes                 2               0,71                                0,10
            Toscana         Antignano                                        no                 5               0,60                                0,00                                                                                                                                      EQR value: 0.881                                         EQR value: 0.680                                       EQR value:0.707
            Toscana         Carbonifera                                     yes                 3               0,63                                      0                  2                  4                 6                  8                 10
            Toscana         Elba nord                                        no                 6               0,58                                                                             MA - LUSI Index                                                                                   Punta Tresino                                      Maraone I. Egadi
            Lazio           Foce del Marta                                   no                 6               0,48                                                                                                                                  2a                                                                                                                                                            Carbonifera
            Lazio           Torre Paola                                      no                 5               0,59
            Campania        Camerota                                         no                 2               0,62
            Campania        Punta Tresino                                   yes                 2               0,61
            Puglia          Bari Trullo                                      no                 8               0,29                                                      Relationships of  CARLIT EQR vs LUSI Index
            Puglia          Porto Cesareo (MPA)                              no                 5               0,58                                  1
            Sicilia         Maraone - Isole Egadi  (MPA)                    yes                 0               0,84                                0,9                                                                         y = -0,084x + 0,992
            Sicilia         Golfo Castellamare-Trappeto                      no                 5               0,47                                                                                                                 R² = 0,666

            Sicilia         Ragusa - Fiume Irminio                           no                 9               0,50                                0,8                                                                            p < 0.01
            Sicilia         Siracusa -Plemmirio  (MPA)                       no                 5               0,66
            Sardegna        Olbia                                            no                 4               0,58                                0,7
            Sardegna        Capo Carbonara  (MPA)                           yes                 0               0,88                                0,6
            Sardegna        Cagliari                                         no                 5               0,61
            Sardegna        S. Antioco                                       no                 5               0,72                               EQR    0,5
            Sardegna        Capo Rizzuto  (MPA)                              no                 4               0,63                                0,4
            Sardegna        Vibo Marina                                      no                 6                0,6                                                                                                                                                                          EQR value:0.609                                         EQR value: 0.842                                         EQR value:0.626
            Sardegna        Asinara (MPA)                                   yes                 0                0,7                                0,3

           EQB Macroalgae                                                                                                                           0,2                                                                                                                                                                              “BENCHMARK” SITES EQB MACROALGAE

                  Region                        Site name                    Benchmark       Lusi value      EQR value                                                                                                                                                                             Isola di Montecristo                                          Carbonara                        Isola Favignana - Maraone
            Liguria             Genova                                            no              2             0,758                                    0           1           2          3           4           5           6          7           8
            Liguria             Bocca di Magra                                    no              4             0,482                                                                           MA - LUSI index
            Liguria             Capo Mortola                                      no              2             1,079                                                                                                                                 2b
            Toscana             Romito                                            no              2             0,744
            Toscana             Argentario                                        no              2             1,059
            Toscana             Montecristo (MPA)                                yes              0             1,307
            Campania            Camerota                                          no              1             0,806
            Campania            Tresino                                           no              1             1,653
            Calabria            Crotone                                           no              3             0,820                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Blocchi metrici
            Calabria            Vibo Valenzia                                     no              2             0,818
            Puglia              Porto Cesareo-Torre S.Isidoro (MPA)               no              5             0,575                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Falesia bassa
            Puglia              Bari Trullo                                       no              7             0,376             Fig.2 – Relationships of EQRs PREI and CARLIT index vs LUSI  index.                                                                                                                                                       Falesia bassa
            Puglia              Isole Tremiti (loc. S. Domino) (MPA)              no              2             0,568                                                                                                                                                                                                     Falesia alta                                                                                      Falesia alta
            Sicilia             Trapani,Isole Egadi – Favignana (MPA)            yes              0             1,174                                                                                                                                                                                                     EQV             = 20              EQV             = 20                                            EQV             = 20
            Sicilia             Ragusa – Foce Fiume Irminio                       no              3             1,028                                                                                                                                                                                                              calc                              calc                                                             calc
            Sicilia             AMP Plemmirio                                     no              4             1,275
            Sicilia             Golfo di Castellamare – Trapp                     no              6             0,512                                                                                                                                                                                      EQR value: 1.0                                     EQR value: 1.0                                   EQR value: 0,9
            Sicilia             Golfo di Palermo – Vergine Mar                    no              2             1,103
            Sardegna            Cagliari                                          no              5             0,626
            Sardegna            Carbonara (MPA)                                  yes              0             1,205
            Sardegna            Arbatax                                           no              3             0,827                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Fig . 3 -  Italian “benchmark” sites
            Sardegna            Olbia                                             no              2             0,582
            Sardegna            Alghero                                           no              4             0,739
            Sardegna            Oristano                                          no              2             0,645
            Sardegna            Portoscuso       ECOLOGICAL STATUS                no              2             1,196
                       BAD                 POOR            MODERATE                GOOD                HIGH

                                                                                                                                                                           In  general,  PREI  and  CARLIT  indices  show  a  good  sensitivity  to  anthropogenic  disturbances  and  stress.

            Tab.2 – 29 Italian marine areas classified by PREI index;                                                                                                      Moreover, nationwide in most cases both indices classify the ecological status in the same way. Since data are

            1b – 25 Italian marine areas classified by CARLIT index.                                                                                                       still partial, in the near future a wider data-base will be useful to strengthen the effective comparability of

            (Unofficial Classification)
                                                                                                                                                                           ecological status classification between indices and to make possible improvements in the classification route.

                                                                                                                                                                           This research was possible thanks to the data of the database Si.Di.Mar. funded by the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea.


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