Page 5 - Romani_Pagli_2020
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Besides,  C. marioni, yet unmistakable, shows a wider   MolluscaBase eds, 2020. MolluscaBase. Accessed at http://
            morphological range then previously recorded. Indeed, on 2020-05-22
            besides “small” ones, also average-sized specimens ex-  MolluscaBase eds, 2020a.  Crisilla Monterosato, 1917. Ac-
            hibit a certain variability in spire height, whorl convex-  cessed through: World Register of Marine Species at: http://
            ity or sculpture density (Fig. 2. A-D). In particular shells
            collected in deeper waters seem to have a lighter and   138446 on 2020-05-22.
            denser sculpture (Fig. 2. B-D).                    Hoenselaar H.J. & Hoenselaar J., 1994. Conchological differ-
                                                                ences between Crisilla marioni (Fasulo & Gaglini, 1987) and
                                                                Crisilla  cristallinula  (Manzoni,  1868)  (Gastropoda  Proso-
            Acknowledgements                                    branchia: Rissoidae). Basteria, 58: 195-197.
                                                               Monterosato T. A. (di), 1884. Nomenclatura generica e specifica
            Stefano Bartolini, Cesare Bogi, Alessandro Raveggi, Ma-  di alcune conchiglie mediterranee. Palermo, Virzi, 152 pp.
            ria Scaperrotta and Franco Siragusa, loaned their mater-  Monterosato T. A. (di), 1917. Molluschi viventi e quaternari
            ial and shared literature and data. Stefano Bartolini pro-  raccolti lungo le coste della Tripolitania dall’Ing. Camillo
            vided digital photographs, Emilio Rolán and Daniele   Crema. Bollettino Zoologico Italiano, 4 (3): 1-28, pl. 1.
            Scarponi provided SEM photographs. Italo Nofroni   Oliver J. D., Rolán E. & Templado J., 2019. The littoral spe-
            shared useful information and suggestions. Andrea Be-  cies  of  the  genus  Crisilla  Monterosato,  1917  (Caenogastro-
            nocci provided a critical reading of the manuscript.  poda, Rissoidae) in Azores, Madeira, Selvagens and Canary
                                                                Islands with notes on West African taxa and the description
                                                                of four new species. Iberus, 37 (1): 23-80.
            References                                         Ponder W.F., 1985. A  review of the genera of the Rissoidae
                                                                (Mollusca: Mesogastropoda: Rissoacea). Records of the Aus­
            Bouchet P. & Warén A., 1993. Revision of the Northeast At-  tralian Museum, supplement 4: 1-221.
              lantic bathyal and abyssal Mesogastropoda. Bollettino Mala­  Rolán E. (coord.), 2011. Moluscos y conchas marinas de Canarias.
              cologico supplemento, 3: 579-840.                 Conchbooks, Hackenheim, 716 pp, 130 pls.
            Criscione F. & Ponder W.F., 2013. A phylogenetic analysis of   Scaperrotta M., Bartolini S. & Bogi C., 2011. Accrescimenti:
              rissooidean and cingulopsoidean families (Gastropoda:   stadi di accrescimento dei molluschi marini del Mediterraneo. Vol.
              Caenogastropoda). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 66:   III. L’Informatore Piceno, Ancona. 184 pp.
            Criscione F., Ponder W.F., Köhler F., Takano T. & Kanao Y.,   Segers W., Swinnen F. & De Prins R., 2009. Marine Molluscs of
                                                                Madeira. Snoeck Publishers, Heule, Belgium, 612 pp.
              2016.  A molecular phylogeny of Rissoidae (Caenogastro-
              poda: Rissooidea) allows testing the diagnostic utility of   Verduin A., 1977. On a remarkable dimorphism of the apices
              morphological traits. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.   in many groups of sympatric, closely related marine gastro-
              doi:10.1111/zoj.12447                             pod species. Basteria, 41: 91-95.
            Fasulo G. & Gaglini A., 1987. Alvania (Crisilla) marioni, nuova   Verduin A., 1984. On the taxonomy of some Recent European
              denominazione per Cingula substriata (Philippi, 1844) sensu   marine species of the genus Cingula s.l. (Gastropoda: Proso-
              Verduin, 1984. Notiziario del C.I.S.MA, 10: 19-24.  branchia). Basteria, 48: 37-87.


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