Page 5 - Sella_M_1929
P. 5

Migrations and Habitat of the Tuna        ( Thunnus thynnus L, ), Studied
              by the Method of the Hooks j with Observations on Growth, on the
                                Operation of the Fisheries, etOo

               The direct evidences of the arrival of tuna from distant regions,
        borne by the fish itself in its own body in the form of hooks or tackle
        torn from the lines of fishermen, have been notably increased as a con-
        sequence of numerous investigations which I have made, to such a degree
        as to permit reliable deductions on some fundamental pointSo

               There are in all (excepting some minor reports)?           15 hooks and
        leads from the Mediterranean , which testify to the migrations of the tuna
        between the various basins of the Mediterranean;          25 hooks from the Atlantic
        (Tarifa, Northern Spain, the Azores), which demonstrate the passage of
        tuna from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean; and one Atlantic hook, which
        shows the movement of tuna from the Gulf of Gascony to Norway^

               In the last two years, indeed, in addition to those which I have
        alrSady made known (Rend.      R. Ace. Lincei, 1926; Bullo Stat, Acquico         et
        P§che de Castiglione, 1927),      I have been able to recover in tuna of the
        Mediterranean and elsewhere, in spite of the fact that the catch of the
       tuna fisheries has been extraordinarily small, the following tackles

                 Tackle                Ori m                  Place of Recovery

               1927   4 leadsi/    Constantinople        Cyrenaica (El Mongar, Bengazi)
                      3 hooks 2/   Gulf of Gascony       Sicily (Favignana) and
                                                          Tripolitania (Sliten)
                      1 hook?/     Azores               Sardinia (Isola Plana)
                      1 hook   .   Gulf of Gascony      Norway (Oslofjord)
               1928   1 hookZ/     South  -. v^^^^v.     Sardinia (Peloso)
                                   ww-w. Ireland
                      1 hookl/     Gascony (probably)Sardinia (Porto Paglia)
                      1 hook       Algeria (Arzeu)      Sardinia (Porto Scuso)

                                        "                                     "
       1/   Three lead jigs of the       zoka" type and one lead of the        skandil"
            type given me by Dr. A, Benedettio

       ~J   Spanish hooks for tuna and "bonito"        ( Th. alalonga )o   That from Favignana
            was given me by Comm. Caruso j the two from Sliten were found during
            my stay at that fishery.
       3/   This and the other Sardinian hooks were given to me by the proprietors
            of the respective tuna traps; Marquis of Villamarina           (l. Plana),
            Dr. de Plaisant (Peloso),      Cav, Carpaneto    (P„ Paglia), Awo Casaretto
            (p. Scuso)o
       i/   French double hook for "germon"       (Th, alalonga) o
       5/   Spanish hook for tuna and tonito,"         The origin is given as probable
            because at one place in Sicily (Porticello) they have now commenced
            making use, although on a very small scale, bf hooks of this typep
            brought from Spain, in the fishery for albacoreo            This fishery lasts,
            however, only a few days out of the year, in the spring, and only a
            few boats participate in it, which removes the certainty but not the
            probability of the North Spanish origin of the hook in question.
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