Page 10 - Small_islands_2019
P. 10

Karl Agius et al.

                     Whereas most participants gave a positive overall rating of the ecotours held in the Pelagic
               Islands (100%), Aegadian Islands (85.2%) and Pantelleria (97.2%), just 40% of participants on the
               Maltese archipelago ecotour rated the overall experience as positive.
                     Almost all respondents were willing to go on holiday to an ecodestination, and almost all
               respondents (95.2%) were likewise willing to visit a central Mediterranean island as their next
               ecodestination, save for a small fraction of participants from the Maltese islands (10%) and
               Pantelleria (12%) ecotours. The majority of respondents (95%) said they would recommend the
               ecodestination they had visited to their friends for their next holiday.
                     One should note that positive experience in previous ecotours held in the study area was
               also chosen as a motivating factor for successive ecotours. In fact, owing to the positive
               experience, some ecotourists participated in two or three of the ecotours organised in the study
               area. The relatively high satisfaction ratings recorded through surveys were also  confirmed
               through focus groups and group interviews, in which respondents claimed to have made
               recommendations and showed a willingness to participate in future ecotours or revisit the
               ecodestination. Others claimed to have revisited the islands on their own accord to further
               appreciate the natural environment. One divergent result is that 30%  of respondents who
               participated in the ecotour held in the Maltese islands said they were unwilling to recommend
               this ecodestination to their friends for their next holiday. In the case  of Pantelleria, 4% of
               participants said the same.

               Table 1: Analysis of results obtained through the surveys held before and after the ecotours
               comparing the ecotourists’ evaluations of different ecodestinations, n=85.
                  Question                     Degrees of            Chi-Squared        P value
                  Presence of protected areas and
                  influence on choice of travel to  3                6.54               0.088
                  a destination
                  Time spent in contact with   9                     34.05              0.001
                  Activities enjoyed most      48                    127.42             0.001
                  Motivating factors           57                    78.63              0.3
                  Expectations                 42                    74.28              0.002
                  Level of satisfaction        6                     19.87              0.003
                  Reasons for lack of satisfaction   22              34.753             0.041
                  Overall rating               9                     38.03              0.001
                  Willingness to participate in   3                  2.174              0.537
                  another ecotour
                  Willingness to visit other   3                     5.64               0.131
                  central Mediterranean islands
                  Willingness to recommend the   3                   16.70              0.001
                  ecodestination to friends

                     With respect to ecotourists’ satisfaction, one should bear in mind that all ecotours were
               held in the off-season or shoulder season but never in this midst of the peak tourism season,
               which on these islands tends to encompass the end of July, all of August, and the first half of
               September. Meanwhile, weather factors did not feature in stakeholders’ responses in terms of

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