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In NAP, wbere the herbaria of Gussone (Sicily) and Gussone (Generai) are kept, some specimens exist that
were collected by that author in the localities mentioned in bis 'Synopsis ', but they were not unmistakeably part
ofthe originai materia!, and thus unsuitable for lectotypification purposes, since they were either undated or
had been collected later than 1825. For some ofthem (Trapani al Ronciglio, 7 Mag l 829; Trapani nell'isola del
Ronciglio, no date) the locality coincides with that of Ohle's 'typus', except for the date.

     In BOLO (Bertoloni herbarium) we found a single specimen, sent by Gussone to Bertoloni. The !abel, in
Gussone's handwriting, reports the species name ('Calendula maritima Nob.', where 'Nob.' = 'Nobis'=
[belonging/attributed] to ourselves) and the collecting piace ('Trapani, Favignana'); on the same label,
Bertoloni added, in patticular, the year in which he received the specimen: 1824. As that date (and hence,
obviously, the collecting date) is earlier than the date of publication of the species, the specimen is definitely
originai materia! according to the 'Code' (McNeill et al. 2012: Art. 9.3). Favignana, an island belonging to the
Egadi arcbipelago near Trapani, was unaccountably omitted from Gussone's (1844) statement of distribution,
but was mentioned later by Bertoloni (1854). Today C. maritima appears to be extinct on tbat island (no records
exist since Di Martino & Trapani 1967), but in PAL there is a specimen from there collected as late as 1854.

     In the herbarium of Candolle's 'Prodromus' (G-DC) there are two specimens of Gussone, from ' Prope
Drepanum ' and 'Sicilia, Trapani', which were annotated by Cando Ile as having been received in 1828 and
1831, respectively. There is also a specimen from 'Sicile ' in P (n. 03744728) 'extrait de l'Herbier de Mr. De
Candolle', but it is undated and not explicitly ascribed to Gussone. A second, similarly undated specimen of
C. maritima in P (n. 03744726) has a !abel written in Gussone's hand: 'Calendula incana, in maritimis
Siciliae meridionalis '; this we consider as part ofthe originai materia!, as the name 'C. incana ' is the one that
Gussone initially used for the plant, before describing it as new (see the protologue entry, quoted above);
however, the geographical origin is given in tenns that are too vague and not quite accurate. Therefore we
give preference to the first- mentioned specimen, which is unquestionably an originai element, agrees with the
origina! description, is complete with flowers and fruits, and preserved in good condition.

Calendula maritima Gussone (1825: 3)

Lectotype (designated here):- ITALY. 'Calendula maritima Nob., Trapani, Favignana' [in Gussone's handwriting],
     ' Calendula maritima Guss., Bert. Fl. ltal. v. 9 p. 499 n. 8. Dedit Gussone 1824' [Bertoloni 's handwriting] (BOLO;
     Fig. 1).

Ac kn o wle d gme nts

We thank the staff ofthe consulted herbaria, especially A. Managlia (BOLO), C. Nepi (FI), and R. Vallariello
(NAP). U. Braun (HAL) and C. Nepi (FI) helped disentangle the problem ofOhle's type designation. We also
thank A. Santangelo (Università di Napoli Federico Il), for confirming the identity of Gussone's handwriting
on the lectotype !abel. Financial support provided by the Università degli Studi di Palermo (Fondi di Ateneo
per la Ricerca) and tbe Intemational Foundation pro Herbario Mediterraneo is gratefully acknowledged.


Bertoloni, A. ( 1854) Calendula. In: Flora ftalica, vol. 9. Ex Typographeo Hreredum Richardi i Masi i, Bologna, pp.
     493- 500.

Burdet, H.M. ( 1975) Ca1tulae ad botanicorum graphicem. VII. Candollea 30: 379-41 O.
Candolle, A.-P. de (1837 [1838]) Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis, 6. Treuttel et Wiirtz, Paris, 687 pp.
Di Martino, A. & Trapani, S. (1967) F lora e vegetazione delle isole di Favignana e Levanzo nell'Arcipelago delle Egadi.

     I. Favignana. Lavori de/l 'Istituto Botanico e Giardino Coloniale di Palermo 22: 122- 228.

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